Hi Padhmajaa,
Your message has been moderated, else it would not have reached this Mailing List.
Please subscribe to the user ML for such questions and then use your email client.
See why here
You will get a better support, people can answer you on the ML.
The wider the audience the better the answers you might get.
Also it's more work for moderators who have to accept your messages as long as you have not subscribed.
I'll personally no longer accept them (other moderators still could).
This said you can add content by product, eg:
https://demo-trunk.ofbiz.apache.org/catalog/control/EditProductContent?productId=GZ-1000 (look at
"Product Content Type ID")
Le 07/04/2021 à 13:48, Paddu Bhaskaruni a écrit :
> Hey Dev,
> This is Padmaja from EuroSpare.in. We hosted our site on OFBiz and were
> unable to add Alt Text to the images. Would you mind guiding me on the same?
> Thanks,
> Padhmajaa.