Updated ES Ofbiz user guide ...

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Updated ES Ofbiz user guide ...

Ian Gilbert-2
Good afternoon all,

I have updated our user guide document (mostly formatting but some ammendments/deletions also.  It
can be downloaded from http://www.ncmedia.co.uk/ES_Ofbiz.doc

As always please let me know what you think of it and if you find it useful.  I would also
appreciate feedback on this to improve it over time.

Very best wishes to all

Ian Gilbert
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Somewhat off topic: Re: Updated ES Ofbiz user guide ...


> As always please let me know what you think of it and if you find it  
> useful.  I would also appreciate feedback on this to improve it overtime.

Maybe change the file format from .doc to .odt? For the sake of being able  
to do reasonable version comparisons.

Off topic: I just finished a document with a 55+ pages table, using OOo,  
so I think OOo is pretty mature for production. And especially for what  
you need (i.e. technical documentation), I think the vesioning feature  
rocks. You can save several versions inside the same document, restore  
them all at once, delete them, compare versions, do a manual merge between  
an older version and the current state, etc. The versioning feature is  
actually one of the few very important reasons why I use OOo instead of  
Word, the others being the included free ppt-equivalent with diagramming  
features more like Visio and the extremely powerful PDF export. But there  
are other features too, which make it a product more useful to me than  
Word: smarter numbered and bulleted lists, better navigator, faster ops  
 from the table toolbar, etc. The only thing I don't like is that it starts  
slower than Word, and also opens documents slower. But all in all, it  
seems the ppl developing it targeted it at other technical ppl, and it's a  
good product.


Florin Jurcovici
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