I'm basically completely new to OFBiz but not new to system administration in
general with more than 20 years of Linux and Unix experience.
My question is what are the upgrade procedures for an OFBiz installation. I
have done a MariaDB database on Debian 10 and configured OFBiz to use that as
the backend.
The installation was built using command
./gradlew --parallel-threads=8 cleanAll loadDefault
I configured a systemd service file for the installation as follows:
Description=OFBiz Service Daemon
After=network.target auditd.service
ExecStart=/srv/ofbiz/apache-ofbiz/gradlew ofbiz
ExecStop=/srv/ofbiz/apache-ofbiz/gradlew 'ofbiz --shutdown'
The installation is running fine I guess which is to say that it does not seem
to complain on any web page I've browsed on it thus far.
However, I did the install while 16.11.07 was the newest version and now there
is the version 17.12.01 available. What are the update/upgrade steps to move
my install from the previous version to the new one?
Best regards,
Jukka Palko