if you do a google for
ofbiz oracle
you will get many links.
Subhadeep Chakraborty sent the following on 6/22/2009 1:55 PM:
> Hi,
> When I start ofbiz connecting to a postgres database, it automatically updates the entities and constraints on the entities based on whatever is specified in entity models.
> But when I connect the same to an oracle db, it doesn't change those definitions. Is there a special configuration to be done while connecting to an oracle db to that the effect is same as in postgres/derby?
> I am using r656976.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Subhadeep Chakraborty
BJ Freeman
http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automationhttp://bjfreeman.elance.comhttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=1237480&locale=en_US&trk=tab_proSystems Integrator.