I was thinking about the rental part of fixed asset, and an example of how
to use the calendar and fixed asset from a product-store.
Torstein Hegbom
-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Anil Patel [mailto:
[hidden email]]
Sendt: 10. juni 2009 09:22
[hidden email]
Kopi: Anil Patel
Emne: Re: Usage of fixed asset
You can see use of FixedAsset in multiple places. Its used in
Manufacturing component. We also have AssetMaint component that can be
used for managing maintenance of Fixed Assets. There is little bit of
work done for managing computer assets as well in ismgr webapplication.
If there is something else in your mind, write details its possible
somebody is using ofbiz for something similar.
Anil Patel
On Jun 10, 2009, at 2:53 AM, Torstein Hegbom wrote:
> Are there any plans to implement examples/demo of fixed asset usage?
> Thanks
> Torstein Hegbom