Users - Beginner questions

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Users - Beginner questions


Hello all,

I have a couple questions and I'm hoping someone can give me a hint or at
least advice on them.

I spend a few hours yesterday reading what material I could find on ofbiz and
I think I understand the basics of the framework.  I also downloaded that huge
ER diagram of the database schema with 200 tables hehe.

I'm attracted to the project because I want to write some custom parts but
don't want to write things like inventory and fullfillment from scratch.  

And the questions are:

The default for the presentation layer is a web interface.  How to I make an
interface that is a desktop app.  Either swing or perhaps native OSX.  This is
nescessary because i need an inface that allows users to manipulate photos and
whatnot for the products they are editing.

Is there any support for the new 2006 eBay API?  Is there any support for XML
over HTTP webservice clients or SOAP web service clients.  How do I add it and
is anyone already working on that?

Well I have other questions but those are the big two.  I hope someone has the
time to give me a hint.


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