Users - FTL assign != context.put ???

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Users - FTL assign != context.put ???

Hi everyone

I would like to insert variables ( myvar ) in the context just before my
screens.render("....") with <#assign my="...">
then call my screen/midget and use that dynamic variable.
but this doesn't work
context.get("myvar") is null.

does anybody know how I could pass data to the screens.render from the ftl ?
or pass a parameter to my ftl ?

this would allow great reusibility according to use case of a screen widget

also I can't seem to find where <@renderSubContentCache is defined ?

any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Users - FTL assign != context.put ???

I managed to do what I wanted by using the request object
in FTL ${setRequestAttribute("myvar","cococococo")}
just before my screens.render
then in my screens.render bsh I can retreive the value of myvar with

Just out of curiosity would it be hard to add parameters to a
screens.render call ?
or maybe have a regExp system on the <screen  name like this
<screen  name="screenName(*)"
and anywhere in my screen widget I would have $1...$x
so then I could call

I was used to using this with Cocoon's Sitemap and often turned out very


Tib Kat a écrit :

> Hi everyone
> I would like to insert variables ( myvar ) in the context just before my
> screens.render("....") with <#assign my="...">
> then call my screen/midget and use that dynamic variable.
> but this doesn't work
> context.get("myvar") is null.
> does anybody know how I could pass data to the screens.render from the ftl ?
> or pass a parameter to my ftl ?
> this would allow great reusibility according to use case of a screen widget
> also I can't seem to find where <@renderSubContentCache is defined ?
> any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance
> Tib
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