Users - Notice About Mailing List Issue Side-Effects

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Users - Notice About Mailing List Issue Side-Effects

David E. Jones

As was announced a few weeks ago the mailing lists were recently  
moved to a different server (the same one that is running the OFBiz  
SVN, Jira, etc). The reason for this move is that the old server  
finally "disappeared" and we were not able to contact the company or  
get a copy of the mailing list history and other data. Fortunately  
Andy did have a backup from late November, so the mailing lists were  
restored but there are various side effects...

The main one that I want to cover, and the point of this email, is  
subscriptions and un-subscriptions.

Anyone who subscribed during that lost period (between late November  
(around the 20th) through late December (around the 22nd)) will  
suddenly no longer be subscribed to the list.

For anyone in the category: please re-subscribe in order to continue  
using the mailing lists. Unfortunately many of you won't get this  

On the other side, there may be many who receive this message who had  
un-subscribed before and who were magically re-subscribed. We  
apologize for the inconvenience. To fix this just un-subscribe again.

This shouldn't happen again as we are no on a very reliable server  
run by a very reliable and helpful company (thanks Contegix!). We  
also have more regular backups, and this a paid (though discounted to  
help out the open source project) for server whereas the other was  
totally free and there weren't really any guarantees associated with  


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