Users - OFBiz and ASF

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Users - OFBiz and ASF

On 2/6/06, Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Can we get a bit more information about this as things progress please,
> there's been little said about this since David's initial proposition...

Fair enough - here's what the situation is from my point of view:

OFBiz was accepted for 'incubation' at the Apache Software Foundation
with this proposal:

What that entails is a gradual migration to ASF resources (mailing
lists, JIRA, subversion, web pages, wiki and so on), and that for the
duration of Incubation, OFBiz will be, to some degree, 'under the
lense' so to speak, to make sure it is suitable for inclusion as a
proper ASF project.  The criteria are available in the pages posted
previously, but I think that OFBiz more or less meets them already (or
I wouldn't have proposed it), so hopefully things will go smoothly.
Myself, and J Aaron Farr are the official 'mentors' for OFBiz, with
Yoav Shapira and Martin van den Bemt declaring their interest to help
out some.  That doesn't mean that we have any control over the
direction of OFBIz - that's decided by the people who write it.
Rather, we're here to help out with the bureaucracy and integration
into the ASF.

I'll let the OFBiz guys themselves add to this as they see fit.

Does that help some?
David N. Welton

Linux, Open Source Consulting
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Re: Users - OFBiz and ASF

David E. Jones

There are probably lots of questions that people have about this, so  
first I'll say please feel free to ask them here or wherever you feel  
comfortable (even emailing us directly if need be, though if possible  
please send it to this list).

There are certain things that will change, mostly to comply with ASF  
policy. This should be viewed as a significant improvement to the  
project, in spite of the inconvenience and the work required. We have  
been pretty relaxed about these issues in the past and have a number  
of things in our SVN repository that if used as is out of the box  
might subject users to potential legal issues. While these legal  
issues are probably not too likely or risky for most OFBiz users,  
they do still exist.

One example of this is the transaction management and connection  
pooling in OFBiz, and for 2 different reasons. We have an objective  
in the project to be able to use it out of the box, which means we  
don't want to require download and placement of separate jars and  
such before it can be built and/or run. We are using JOTM as the  
default transaction manager, and out of the box it requires Carol,  
which is LGPL licensed. Andy has played with changing it to run  
without Carol, but then we'd have a special (ie non-stock) version of  
the jar and if any issues come up with that change we might be stuck  
resolving them ourselves. For connection pooling we are using Minerva  
which is pulled from an old JBoss code base before they changed their  
licensing, so it is X licensed (a lot like MIT). We don't really own  
this code so we can't make it part of the ASF project.

So, we're looking at a number of options for this. We would like to  
use Geronimo going forward for technical and community reasons. We  
may try to use it in an embedded mode, or we may change to have  
everything in OFBiz load through JMX wrappers instead of the current  
container stuff that is part of OFBiz. This would hopefully make it  
easier to deploy OFBiz in any app server that supports JMX. Both of  
these options need some work, though Andy already has some partial  
work done on JMX wrappers for everything. There are still some issues  
there, and because there is no standard way of adding to the  
classpath with JMX or anything else in app servers, that is still an  

For other LGPL jars, like JasperReports and Shark and such, we have  
things in SVN that use them but the libraries are not included and  
the code that uses them is not build or used by default. For more  
information on these see the OPTIONAL_LIBRARIES files in the ofbiz  
home directory. Right now these libraries are in the specialized/
libraries directory. We may try to make sure some central place like  
this exists for these libraries so you can be sure to get the right  
version of them and such. This will probably remain in the SVN  
repository on the Undersun server, which is where everything is now.


In general for the project this move to ASF incubation and hopefully  
eventually to a full ASF project will not really represent a whole  
lot of changes for OFBiz or the people and groups involved with it.  
The reason for this is that we already do things in a way that is  
very similar to the Apache way. We even use very similar tools, so we  
can continue using SVN, Jira, etc.

OFBiz has always been an independent software project that is not  
owned by any company. OFBiz is not owned by Undersun, though Undersun  
along with other companies such as Contegix and Integral sponsor the  
infrastructure for the project. That will change as the project moves  
to ASF infrastructure.

In general this formalizes the relationship between contributors to  
OFBiz and "ownership" of the project. The way the Apache license and  
such works they don't necessarily own the copyright, but have a  
copyright license grant and based on that the software is distributed  
through the ASF. This sort of legal structure makes things easier for  
both contributors to and users of the open source software, which is  
important for the progress of the project (especially now as it is  
getting larger, and used in larger companies and such).

On a day-to-day basis not much will change in the project, though  
hopefully the community will continue to expand and the project will  
perhaps grow at an even faster rate.

I also hope that as part of this move to the ASF we will form a team  
to start focusing on releases again, and even doing branches for  
releases so that fixes can more easily be back-patched and what not.  
This would involve some testing and documentation efforts, and will  
hopefully happen as a first official release of OFBiz after we leave  

As far as the incubation process goes: we have been accepted into the  
Apache Incubator and we will be moving our infrastructure over there.  
We are dedicated to doing whatever is necessary to get through the  
incubator process as quickly as possible. Still, the project is not  
"on-hold" in any way during this process, it is just that certain  
changes will happen more frequently during that process (like the  
infrastructure changes, the licensing changes, cleaning up libraries,  
and so on). Many of these have already started.

I think that pretty much sums up the situation now. Again if there  
are any questions or concerns, this list is the place to go over them  
for now.

We will start discussing details more publicly on the dev list too,  
for those who want to watch the more internal issues of the project.


On Feb 6, 2006, at 12:11 PM, David Welton wrote:

> On 2/6/06, Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Can we get a bit more information about this as things progress  
>> please,
>> there's been little said about this since David's initial  
>> proposition...
> Fair enough - here's what the situation is from my point of view:
> OFBiz was accepted for 'incubation' at the Apache Software Foundation
> with this proposal:
> What that entails is a gradual migration to ASF resources (mailing
> lists, JIRA, subversion, web pages, wiki and so on), and that for the
> duration of Incubation, OFBiz will be, to some degree, 'under the
> lense' so to speak, to make sure it is suitable for inclusion as a
> proper ASF project.  The criteria are available in the pages posted
> previously, but I think that OFBiz more or less meets them already (or
> I wouldn't have proposed it), so hopefully things will go smoothly.
> Myself, and J Aaron Farr are the official 'mentors' for OFBiz, with
> Yoav Shapira and Martin van den Bemt declaring their interest to help
> out some.  That doesn't mean that we have any control over the
> direction of OFBIz - that's decided by the people who write it.
> Rather, we're here to help out with the bureaucracy and integration
> into the ASF.
> I'll let the OFBiz guys themselves add to this as they see fit.
> Does that help some?
> --
> David N. Welton
>  -
> Linux, Open Source Consulting
>  -
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> [hidden email]

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Re: Users - OFBiz and ASF

Andrew Sykes
David W, David E.J,

Thank you for taking the time to update us on this.
Kind Regards
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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Re: Users - OFBiz and ASF

J Aaron Farr
In reply to this post by David E. Jones
On 2/7/06, David E. Jones <[hidden email]> wrote:

> So, we're looking at a number of options for this. We would like to
> use Geronimo going forward for technical and community reasons. We
> may try to use it in an embedded mode, or we may change to have
> everything in OFBiz load through JMX wrappers instead of the current
> container stuff that is part of OFBiz. This would hopefully make it
> easier to deploy OFBiz in any app server that supports JMX. Both of
> these options need some work, though Andy already has some partial
> work done on JMX wrappers for everything. There are still some issues
> there, and because there is no standard way of adding to the
> classpath with JMX or anything else in app servers, that is still an
> issue...

I'd be interested in better understanding what needs to happen here
and perhaps I can help out.

> For other LGPL jars, like JasperReports and Shark and such, we have
> things in SVN that use them but the libraries are not included and
> the code that uses them is not build or used by default. For more
> information on these see the OPTIONAL_LIBRARIES files in the ofbiz
> home directory. Right now these libraries are in the specialized/
> libraries directory. We may try to make sure some central place like
> this exists for these libraries so you can be sure to get the right
> version of them and such. This will probably remain in the SVN
> repository on the Undersun server, which is where everything is now.

The (still-unofficial) ASF licensing policies should allow for users
to explicitly specify an option during build or perhaps deployment to
include non-ASL products that may be in the user's environment but not
included with the ASF product.

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