Users - OFBiz, the ASF, and CLAs

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Users - OFBiz, the ASF, and CLAs

David E. Jones

Hello All,

As many of you know OFBiz was accepted into the Apache Incubator in January. One part of this move is a license clearance process so that OFBiz can be licensed through the ASF, and under the Apache 2.0 license. To do this each contributor to OFBiz needs to submit a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) to the Apache Software Foundation.

We are keeping track of this effort on the following wiki page:

We have sent individual messages to quite a few of you (marked with the "S" status) and CLAs have been received from many (marked with the "X" status). Quite a few have acknowledged the receipt of the message and said they would send in a CLA (marked with the "R" status).

It's been a few weeks since I sent out the initial requests to various contributors, and while quite a few CLAs have been received, quite a few are still needed. Here is the page where the ASF keeps track of CLAs received. The top of the page has a list of those with commit privileges and the project(s) they are associated with. The bottom has a list of all who have submitted a CLA but do not have commit access on any project.

In order to help move this along: if you have contributed anything to OFBiz could you please review the OFBiz wiki page mentioned above and if needed submit a CLA? If you need more information or have any questions about it, feel free to ask here or write to me directly.


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