Users - RE : Catalog,Categories, Products

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Users - RE : Catalog,Categories, Products

Nguyen Minh Triet

Hi Chris,


Actually, I am trying to create a catalog similar to the demo catalog. I assumed that the output of the hierarchy would be similar to the frame that already present. If it is not, can you explain how to?


Also, as I am in the process of defining how the structure of our catalog will be, are there any suggestions on how an application’s catalogs should be structures taking into the consideration how the API’s and other functionalities are implemented? More precisely, what drives the decision to make a catalog instead of a category of a catalog? I think intuitively one can determine this but I am wondering if there are theories or rules of thumbs concerning this.





Message: 7

Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 15:10:16 -0800 (PST)

From: Chris Howe <[hidden email]>

Subject: [OFBiz] Users -  Catalog,Categories, Products

To: [hidden email]

Message-ID: <[hidden email]>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1




Could you clarify what it is you're trying to do.  I

may have an answer for you, but need clarification as

to your question.  Are you simply trying to create a

catalog that is like the demo catalog or are you

trying to output that hierarchy to the screen?

=========Minh wrote:



I am trying to reproduce the structure of the DEMO

CATALOG where there

is a CATALOG and a hierarchy of categories. For




-->Main Catalog

    -->Category 1

          -->Category 1.a

                -->Product 1

                -->Product 2

                -->Product 3

                -->Product 4

                -->Product ...

          -->Category 1.b

                -->Product a

                -->Product b

                -->Product c

                -->Product d

                -->Product ...

    -->Category 2

          -->Category 2.a

          -->Category 2.b


 I haven't figured out the actions to take in the

CATALOG application to

be able to accomplish this.




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