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Users - Running Ofbiz in JBoss

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Users - Running Ofbiz in JBoss

Nitin Chaumal-2
3 posts
I am trying to get OFBIZ running on jboss 4.0.3. While going through the archive I found many references to an ofbiz-jboss setup guide but I couldnt find it. Does it still exist? Or if there are any external references then could you please provide pointers.
Many Thanks

Tech Mahindra, formerly Mahindra-British Telecom.


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Re: Users - Running Ofbiz in JBoss

David E. Jones
1146 posts

Deploying OFBiz in any application server is basically just done using the facilities of that app server, so the best place to look for information is the JBoss documentation...

All you need to do is add all of the OFBiz jars and classpath directories to the classpath (over 100 of these...), mount all of the webapps, and make sure the ofbiz.home variable is set so that it can find the component config stuff.


Nitin Chaumal wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to get OFBIZ running on jboss 4.0.3. While going through the
> archive I found many references to an ofbiz-jboss setup guide but I
> couldnt find it. Does it still exist? Or if there are any external
> references then could you please provide pointers.
> Many Thanks
> Nitin
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