Users - The competition

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Users - The competition

Kenneth Porter
I was listening to the radio this morning and heard an ad for Microsoft
Dynamics (formerly Microsoft Business Solutions):


So should the OFBiz web sites have photos of smiling, happy users? ;)

Looking at <> I skip to the feature list and above it is
the phrase "offers a great deal of functionality". Pretending to be a PHB,
that sounds to me to be too apologetic. I'd suggest changing "a great deal
of" to "rich". Yeah, so is manure, but isn't that how sales works? ;)
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Re: Users - The competition

Andrew Sykes

It would be nice to see some more sales focused content, I sometimes
have a bit of a dilemma in mentioning "OFBiz" to a new client, because
there's nothing positive for them to read (unless they're technically
minded). I find this a bit of a tricky situation, because I like to
evangelise and even proselytise on the subject.

David has put together some really good business case stuff for OFBiz,
but it is tucked away and like you say is very sober and not
particularly beautiful.
Of course all of this stuff takes time and is down the list of
priorities for anyone who is development minded.

Thankfully we're not in the situation of having to advertise purely to
get people to spend money on upgrades! Perhaps if we did, we'd have a
couple of smiling dinosaurs with one saying "will OFBiz 2.1 do?" and the
other saying "Not even close!". Like you said, "Manure!"
Kind Regards
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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