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Users - Timezone implementation

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Users - Timezone implementation

Vinay Agarwal
368 posts



I started working on timezones and have created an issue in the Apache Jira but didn’t send out email. I intent to put in mods in 3 files first.

1. UtilDateTime.java most functions here need timezone enabled version. While some of the functions are using deprecated java functions, they still work correctly for the timezone the server is running at. Not sure if they should be marked deprecated.

2. framework/common/widget/CommonScreens would get a screen for timezone.

3. framework/common/webcommon/includes would get a new file timezones.ftl that would include listing of all the timezones. Since the list is rather long and includes all the places OFBiz isn’t likely to be used in near future, I recommend common timezones to be duplicated on top of the list. I am putting US timezones there. Please let me know a more complete list of common timezones.


I am looking for suggestions and feedback.



Vinay Agarwal

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