Users - Updating Product Store Email Settings for E-Commerce Store ...

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Users - Updating Product Store Email Settings for E-Commerce Store ...

Ian Gilbert-2
I am trying to modify the email address on the Product store email settings from the default
([hidden email]) to one of ours.  When I click on 'Update' I was getting the error 'The
following required paramter is missing: templatePath' so I added a new template path to the first
text box in each section (which seems to relate to 'Template Path') in a similar way to that of
our current live implementation (about 18 months old).

This behaviour seems to have changed.  I have modified the settings as shown but there are some
ftl files that are no longer present and I am not sure how these should now be set.  Also I am
slightly confused by the [Used for non-Order Emails] and [Used for Order Notice Emails] settings.
Am I right in assuming that the first draws from ftl and the second from xml or is there something
I am misunderstanding here?  The ftl files for Back orders which I would assume would be with the
others in /applications/ecommerce/templates/email/ seem to be missing.

Ian Gilbert
Fair trade: the alternative choice for your everyday shopping
0845 456 2429

We can supply your organisation with high quality fair trade tea and
coffee.  Discounts are available for regular orders.  Contact us for more
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Re: Users - Updating Product Store Email Settings for E-Commerce Store ...

Ray Barlow
Hi Ian,

This does sound familiar but I can't reproduce it in the SVN version so
I think somebody must of tided up the UI since the opentaps version you
are using. You could compare against the SVN in that area for fixes or I
would recommend that you just use the ecommerce demo data xml files and
update it with your required values for email addresses and then import
it in through the webtools section i.e. skip the UI in that area for now
as in reality that screen is very infrequently used once you've set up.


Ian Gilbert wrote:

>I am trying to modify the email address on the Product store email settings from the default
>([hidden email]) to one of ours.  When I click on 'Update' I was getting the error 'The
>following required paramter is missing: templatePath' so I added a new template path to the first
>text box in each section (which seems to relate to 'Template Path') in a similar way to that of
>our current live implementation (about 18 months old).
>This behaviour seems to have changed.  I have modified the settings as shown but there are some
>ftl files that are no longer present and I am not sure how these should now be set.  Also I am
>slightly confused by the [Used for non-Order Emails] and [Used for Order Notice Emails] settings.
>Am I right in assuming that the first draws from ftl and the second from xml or is there something
>I am misunderstanding here?  The ftl files for Back orders which I would assume would be with the
>others in /applications/ecommerce/templates/email/ seem to be missing.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Re: Users - Updating Product Store Email Settings for E-Commerce Store ...

David E. Jones

Yes, this was fixed a while back. The version you have must have been pulled part way through the refactoring of the email notification code to move to using screens instead of random methods in different places to prepare data for the template rendering that would go into the email.


Ray wrote:

> Hi Ian,
> This does sound familiar but I can't reproduce it in the SVN version so
> I think somebody must of tided up the UI since the opentaps version you
> are using. You could compare against the SVN in that area for fixes or I
> would recommend that you just use the ecommerce demo data xml files and
> update it with your required values for email addresses and then import
> it in through the webtools section i.e. skip the UI in that area for now
> as in reality that screen is very infrequently used once you've set up.
> Ray
> Ian Gilbert wrote:
>> I am trying to modify the email address on the Product store email settings from the default
>> ([hidden email]) to one of ours.  When I click on 'Update' I was getting the error 'The
>> following required paramter is missing: templatePath' so I added a new template path to the first
>> text box in each section (which seems to relate to 'Template Path') in a similar way to that of
>> our current live implementation (about 18 months old).
>> This behaviour seems to have changed.  I have modified the settings as shown but there are some
>> ftl files that are no longer present and I am not sure how these should now be set.  Also I am
>> slightly confused by the [Used for non-Order Emails] and [Used for Order Notice Emails] settings.
>> Am I right in assuming that the first draws from ftl and the second from xml or is there something
>> I am misunderstanding here?  The ftl files for Back orders which I would assume would be with the
>> others in /applications/ecommerce/templates/email/ seem to be missing.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Re: Users - Updating Product Store Email Settings for E-Commerce Store ...

David E. Jones
In reply to this post by Ray Barlow


Another thought on this: I'm not sure how Si wants to manage these issues in OpEntAps, but as I understand it the goal of that project is to create a group of users sharing a common code base to fix bugs in that code base and over time make it a stable one to use with as few bugs as possible. In other words only bug fixes go in and generally not new features.

In other words issues with OpEntAps should probably be discussed among that group. It is certainly OFBiz related, but from an older revision (fairly old at this point, a lot has moved on since then).

I'm not sure exactly what to recommend for this. There might be some useful information and help from OFBiz resources (like the mailing lists and such) but for the most part they aren't oriented to this sort of thing. The ideal would be if such resources and community existed with OpEntAps, but I don't want to push you in that direction because the OFBiz community certainly benefits from your presence...


Ray wrote:

> Hi Ian,
> This does sound familiar but I can't reproduce it in the SVN version so
> I think somebody must of tided up the UI since the opentaps version you
> are using. You could compare against the SVN in that area for fixes or I
> would recommend that you just use the ecommerce demo data xml files and
> update it with your required values for email addresses and then import
> it in through the webtools section i.e. skip the UI in that area for now
> as in reality that screen is very infrequently used once you've set up.
> Ray
> Ian Gilbert wrote:
>> I am trying to modify the email address on the Product store email settings from the default
>> ([hidden email]) to one of ours.  When I click on 'Update' I was getting the error 'The
>> following required paramter is missing: templatePath' so I added a new template path to the first
>> text box in each section (which seems to relate to 'Template Path') in a similar way to that of
>> our current live implementation (about 18 months old).
>> This behaviour seems to have changed.  I have modified the settings as shown but there are some
>> ftl files that are no longer present and I am not sure how these should now be set.  Also I am
>> slightly confused by the [Used for non-Order Emails] and [Used for Order Notice Emails] settings.
>> Am I right in assuming that the first draws from ftl and the second from xml or is there something
>> I am misunderstanding here?  The ftl files for Back orders which I would assume would be with the
>> others in /applications/ecommerce/templates/email/ seem to be missing.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Re: Users - Updating Product Store Email Settings for E-Commerce Store ...

Ian Gilbert-2
Hi David,

Si and I have been speaking about this on the forum and I'm going to be focussing the next few
days on testing the weekly builds.  We are doing the upgrade but are likely to try and run with
the next OpenTaps version as this is likely out soon and so testing our upgrade against the weekly
builds makes more sense at this stage.

Thanks for your comments on this.  It is likely that we will be working more closely with the
OpenTaps builds as we do require stability but the new features being previewed in Ofbiz are often
too much for me to resist ;)  In any event I'll be maintaining an interest in this list.

As we get more partners on our business project it is likely that we will start to make use of our
forums on sourceforge to promote ES specific functionality which is likely to manifest itself as
specific customisations and mods for the charity/NGO sector.  This would be used to support our
partners and similarly inclined organisations.  This is still in the planning stage but I will
keep you all informed of developments in this regard.

Very best wishes

On Fri, March 31, 2006 21:39, David E. Jones wrote:

> Ian,
> Another thought on this: I'm not sure how Si wants to manage these issues in OpEntAps, but as I
> understand it the goal of that project is to create a group of users sharing a common code base
> to fix bugs in that code base and over time make it a stable one to use with as few bugs as
> possible. In other words only bug fixes go in and generally not new features.
> In other words issues with OpEntAps should probably be discussed among that group. It is
> certainly OFBiz related, but from an older revision (fairly old at this point, a lot has moved on
> since then).
> I'm not sure exactly what to recommend for this. There might be some useful information and help
> from OFBiz resources (like the mailing lists and such) but for the most part they aren't oriented
> to this sort of thing. The ideal would be if such resources and community existed with OpEntAps,
> but I don't want to push you in that direction because the OFBiz community certainly benefits
> from your presence...
> -David
> Ray wrote:
>> Hi Ian,
>> This does sound familiar but I can't reproduce it in the SVN version so
>> I think somebody must of tided up the UI since the opentaps version you
>> are using. You could compare against the SVN in that area for fixes or I would recommend that you
>> just use the ecommerce demo data xml files and update it with your required values for email
>> addresses and then import it in through the webtools section i.e. skip the UI in that area for
>> now as in reality that screen is very infrequently used once you've set up.
>> Ray
>> Ian Gilbert wrote:
>>> I am trying to modify the email address on the Product store email settings from the default
>>> ([hidden email]) to one of ours.  When I click on 'Update' I was getting the error 'The
>>> following required paramter is missing: templatePath' so I added a new template path to the
>>> first text box in each section (which seems to relate to 'Template Path') in a similar way to
>>> that of our current live implementation (about 18 months old).
>>> This behaviour seems to have changed.  I have modified the settings as shown but there are
>>> some ftl files that are no longer present and I am not sure how these should now be set.  Also
>>> I am
>>> slightly confused by the [Used for non-Order Emails] and [Used for Order Notice Emails]
>>> settings. Am I right in assuming that the first draws from ftl and the second from xml or is
>>> there something I am misunderstanding here?  The ftl files for Back orders which I would
>>> assume would be with the others in /applications/ecommerce/templates/email/ seem to be
>>> missing.
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>> Users mailing list
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Ian Gilbert
Fair trade: the alternative choice for your everyday shopping
0845 456 2429

We can supply your organisation with high quality fair trade tea and
coffee.  Discounts are available for regular orders.  Contact us for more

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