i have deployed ofbiz on my server and it seems the following instruction to chanage paypal settings does not seem to work. ofbiz is running fine, but even after editing the files mentioned as under, the paypal email address and the notification URLs do not change.
can someone throw some light on how to edit the paypal settings.
PayPal Payment Setup
The PayPal details for OFBiz are setup in the payment.properties file and have the
prefix payment.paypal..
The ones that always need to be changed for use of PayPal are:
payment.paypal.business - set to an email address on your PayPal account
payment.paypal.notify - just change domain name and port to the production
values you are using
payment.paypal.return - set to the URL where you want PayPal to send
customers once payment is complete, typically back to your ecommerce web
payment.paypal.cancelReturn - set to the URL where you want PayPal to send
customers when they cancel their payment
payment.paypal.image - set to the URL of the image or logo you want PayPal to
display to help customers know that the payment is being received on your behalf
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