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Users - pdf link, cybersource, & mail errors

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Users - pdf link, cybersource, & mail errors

6 posts
i have finally deployed our ecommerce site but still have a few things to

1-the pdf link in ordermgr returns the following error message:
2-i am confused as to why cybersource settings return  "cannot connect to
paymentprocessor" error
3-mail relay is not happening at all but i have setup general.properties
mail settings correctly(?)
also, there are a few template problems with the site:

we are thrilled that the site has finally gone live & we love the
customization options of this software!
any advice or words of wisdom would be appreciated (i'm still learning how
it all works).


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Re: Users - pdf link, cybersource, & mail errors

David E. Jones
1146 posts


Perhaps some details would help you get a response, like:

1. which revision/version of OFBiz are you using
2. have you reviewed the Basic Production Setup Guide?

To solve these problems chances are you'll have to contract with someone to review your deployment, or just read through the documentation and such until you find your problem... In truth I think the second one is really the more popular... ;)


Manu Lauzon wrote:

> i have finally deployed our ecommerce site but still have a few things to
> fix:)
> 1-the pdf link in ordermgr returns the following error message:
> "java.lang.NullPointerException"
> 2-i am confused as to why cybersource settings return  "cannot connect to
> paymentprocessor" error
> 3-mail relay is not happening at all but i have setup general.properties
> mail settings correctly(?)
> also, there are a few template problems with the site:
> http://www.jomamaco.com
> we are thrilled that the site has finally gone live & we love the
> customization options of this software!
> any advice or words of wisdom would be appreciated (i'm still learning how
> it all works).
> manu
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Re: Users - pdf link, cybersource, & mail errors

Charles Johnson-4
92 posts
In reply to this post by manu-12

Manu Lauzon wrote:

>i have finally deployed our ecommerce site but still have a few things to
>1-the pdf link in ordermgr returns the following error message:
>2-i am confused as to why cybersource settings return  "cannot connect to
>paymentprocessor" error
>3-mail relay is not happening at all but i have setup general.properties
>mail settings correctly(?)
>also, there are a few template problems with the site:
>we are thrilled that the site has finally gone live & we love the
>customization options of this software!
>any advice or words of wisdom would be appreciated (i'm still learning how
>it all works).
>Users mailing list
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2) Have you run Cybersource's test app successfully?
Look in simapi-x.y.z\xmlSample\runSample.bat
3) What specifically are you attempting to do that's not working?

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Re: Users - pdf link, cybersource, & mail errors

Ray Barlow
202 posts
In reply to this post by manu-12
1) You'll need to look at the logs to find out the underlying cause. A
common reason is a field being displayed in the ftl file that has null
content in the data, but is not checked properly. Other causes are non
XML friendly characters in fields that again need to be wrapped with a
conversion in the ftl file.

3) Maybe you could be more specific about what you have changed,
otherwise it's hard to help.

A general comment most of your small images aren't optimised for the
size they are displayed at. The main page took a little longer than
desired to complete loading all the thumbnails, one with good
optimisation being 3k but another was 67k. A good tool that will do
batch conversions is www.xnview.com, plenty of options like just specify
the height limit and jpg compression level and away it goes.


Manu Lauzon wrote:

>i have finally deployed our ecommerce site but still have a few things to
>1-the pdf link in ordermgr returns the following error message:
>2-i am confused as to why cybersource settings return  "cannot connect to
>paymentprocessor" error
>3-mail relay is not happening at all but i have setup general.properties
>mail settings correctly(?)
>also, there are a few template problems with the site:
>we are thrilled that the site has finally gone live & we love the
>customization options of this software!
>any advice or words of wisdom would be appreciated (i'm still learning how
>it all works).
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Users - Opentaps documentation

Jacques Le Roux
17869 posts
In reply to this post by Charles Johnson-4
Thanks Opentaps crew for your documentation. I understand now that it's
complementary to OFBiz "official" doc as there are many informations about
Financial and CRM.

I have a question : in "Upgrading to version 0.9" I read :

performFind service which is used on many pages to find information now has a
noConditionFind parameter which is automatically turned off.  Thus, when you
click to a page, you may not see a list of all values by default.  To turn it
back on, you must set parameters.noConditionFind="Y"

How and where may this parameter changed ? I saw the comment in services.xml but
did not find how to set "Y"

Also in "About this documentation" the last link is false :

tutorials.php ;o)


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