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Users - question: security groups vs. role types

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Users - question: security groups vs. role types

Jennifer Zhang-2
2 posts
Hi Everyone,

I am a new user in this community and I am trying to figure out the security
groups and their relationship with roles.  Are there documents on how roles
should be used such as “packer”, “buyer”, etc.? For example, a party has to
be assigned to certain roles in addition to ORDERENTRY security group before
the party can create sales orders. I am wondering what roles are tied to
what security groups. Or rather, they are independent?

Your help is much appreciated!


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Re: Users - question: security groups vs. role types

BJ Freeman
6819 posts
Hi, and welcome:
there was a discussion about a year ago on the mailing list, if you do a
search on security and roles. I am sure the emails will come up.

Jennifer Zhang sent the following on 3/9/06 9:24 PM:

> Hi Everyone,
> I am a new user in this community and I am trying to figure out the
> security groups and their relationship with roles.  Are there documents
> on how roles should be used such as “packer”, “buyer”, etc.? For
> example, a party has to be assigned to certain roles in addition to
> ORDERENTRY security group before the party can create sales orders. I am
> wondering what roles are tied to what security groups. Or rather, they
> are independent?
> Your help is much appreciated!
> Jennifer
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