Using find order tab for bulk processing

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Using find order tab for bulk processing
Good Morning,

I hope someone can help me with the following question:

In the "Find Order Tab" there is a field that let the user choose an action to apply on multiple orders like "proces orders","Reject orders, "pick orders". There is also an action called "Print (PDF) and Create File, however in no way i can make it seem to work. It doesn't download a file, or send a file to the printer.

I've been looking on the internet for documentation about this subject, however i cant find anything. Does anyone know how this feature works or how to make it work?

Kind Regards,

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Re: Using find order tab for bulk processing

Jacques Le Roux
Hi Richard,

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Le 26/03/2019 à 10:21, [hidden email] a écrit :

> Good Morning,
> I hope someone can help me with the following question:
> In the "Find Order Tab" there is a field that let the user choose an action to apply on multiple orders like "proces orders","Reject orders, "pick orders". There is also an action called "Print (PDF) and Create File, however in no way i can make it seem to work. It doesn't download a file, or send a file to the printer.
> I've been looking on the internet for documentation about this subject, however i cant find anything. Does anyone know how this feature works or how to make it work?
> Kind Regards,
> Richard