Valid usage of Party Groups, Party Segments and Work Flow/Effort?

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Valid usage of Party Groups, Party Segments and Work Flow/Effort?

John Martin

I'm looking for some validation on the implementation of part of our

We have a business process which items/articles are entered into our
application.  Items are categorized into approximately 30 categories.
After going through a mult-step process, the items are converted into
products and sold through the ecommerce application.

Each category will have one or more employees whom are responsible for
processing these items.  We want to take advantage of the Work Flow
process to notify these employees whom can accept the work on a first
come first serve basis.  Eventually we'd want to place some controls
on how many items that employees can accept at a time to prevent
squatters taking all of the items.

Each category will also have a manager whom can monitor the progress
of these items through a multi-step process.  The manager will have
the ability reassign the work flow to other employees as needed.

My thought for implementation is to create Party Groups for each of
the categories.  We could then create Party Relationships between the
employees and the category groups as well as managers and category
groups.  I've looked at the Party Segments which look like it might be
a possible candidate but I have been unable to find documentation on
it's usage.

Will the Party Groups/Relationships, Party Segments, or Party
Classification perhaps be the best implementation and easiest for
tying in the Work Effort functionality?

