Hi all,
Once again, I'm not sure if something like this is appropriate to post
here, but it seems relevant to e-commerce (be sure to click through to
the FAQ).
https://www.w3.org/blog/wpwg/2016/04/21/first-public-working-drafts-of-payment-request-api/Also, those with production-ready OFBiz implementations might consider
contributing to the "payment flows" information (might help with
establishing de facto standards of a W3C nature).
By way of cross-reference, I found this section of the OFBiz
documentation (I didn't perform more than a cursory search).
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBENDUSER/Apache+OFBiz+Business+Setup+Guide#ApacheOFBizBusinessSetupGuide-storePaymentSettingsThis is all FYI, since I have no idea whether the W3C stuff is relevant
enough to warrant an interface feature request for OFBiz (there is a
newbie reason why I'm not on the dev-ml).