Hello there,I have been looking into ofbiz to see if it fits with what I am looking to do.I am looking to develop a cloud based POS system and wondering if it is feasible to use ofbiz,I would appreciate if someone can advise on the following please: 1. The first thing was multi-tenancy, it seems this is possible (though manually you have to add tenant) but web pos doesnt seem to have this support. When you login into ofbiz with tenantid and then click on web pos it ask for login again. Not sure how the tenant management is handled there? Any ideas? I can see externalLoginKey in the url is that connected to each tenant in any way? What changes are needed to make sure we login into POS for a particular tenant ?
2. The other question is with regards to multitenancy. Has anyone used multitenant ofbiz in production and have done any load/performance benchmarks as to how many tenants can be used in one instance without compromising performance? What are the best practices ?
3. If I disable components I don't need and then try creating tenant, will there be tables generated for components that are disabled ? Regards,
Hammad Ali Khan Afridi
Mobile 0044 7534171187 Skype hammad.afridi