What are the most common complications after a liver transplant?

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What are the most common complications after a liver transplant?

The most common complications after a liver transplant include:

1. Rejection

The body’s immune system may recognize the new liver as foreign and try to attack it. This is managed with immunosuppressive medications, which patients must take for life.

2. Infection

Post-transplant patients are at higher risk of infections due to the immunosuppressive medications that prevent organ rejection but also lower the body’s ability to fight off infections.

3. Bile Duct Complications

These can include bile duct leaks or strictures (narrowing), which may require additional procedures or interventions.

4. Graft Failure

The transplanted liver may not function properly due to various reasons, leading to the need for another transplant.

5. Blood Clots

Clots can form in the blood vessels supplying the liver, which can cause complications and may require further treatment.

6. Recurrence of Liver Disease

In some cases, the original liver disease can recur in the transplanted liver, such as hepatitis or primary biliary cirrhosis.

7. Kidney Dysfunction

Kidney problems can occur due to the side effects of immunosuppressive drugs.

8. Cancer

Long-term use of immunosuppressants can increase the risk of developing certain cancers, such as lymphoma or skin cancer.

At HBG Medical Assistance, we understand the complexity and challenges associated with liver transplants. Our comprehensive services ensure that patients receive the best possible care and support, from pre-transplant evaluation to post-transplant follow-up. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to managing complications effectively and improving the overall outcome for transplant recipients.