Thanks Jacopo for Party Group. Too I can include Party Group into MapKey field to associate my content.
I need to build a category content for each supplier with alternate locale.
So I create
_ new product category content type "SPECIFICATION_SHEET"
_ new content "categoryX" with content type "DOCUMENT"
_ new sub-content "X-supplierY" associated to "categoryX" with type "Sub section" (+ data resource)
_ new sub-content "X-supplierY-2" associated to "X-supplierY" with type "Alternate Locale" (+ data resource)
What can Service Engine choice the right Alternate Locale for a sub content ?
I tried "dispatcher.runSync("getSubContent", [contentId : "categoryX", locale : locale, userLogin : userLogin, mapKey : "supplierY"])
I tried anothers services, but any doesn't work.