I created a Jira ticket with a deeper explanation on the picklist order dupes: OFBIZ-2512
mayo wrote
I'm using OFBiz 4.0 and I noticed when I create a picklist that it loops through the entire set of pick-able orders even after it passes the max number of orders to pick. I was looking to make this a little more efficient by breaking out of the loop. Is that possible in mini-lang for OFBiz 4.0?
Also does anyone else have orders duplicate in picklists if there is a backordered item? If an order has, for instance, 3 items and 1 is out of stock, and a previous open picklist has this order to be picked (2 of the items), if you create a new picklist, the same 2 items will be in the new picklist. I'll create a Jira ticket, but wanted to check if anyone else had this problem. I believe this has to do with the service findOrdersToPickMove, around line 188, where it filters out backorders. It allows a backordered item to the picklist of maysplit = y.