clarification structure of product to supplier for ordering purposes

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clarification structure of product to supplier for ordering purposes

BJ Freeman
We have product and supplierproduct
Product is the sellable item
Supplierproduct is the item ordered from a supplier.

I am assuming that the Product that is called out in supplierproduct is
the sellable product in a Productstore
if so can there be a product connected to the
supplierproduct.supplierproductID as well.

here is the senario that happens a lot.
the supplierProduct uses a differnt type of productID usually like those
called out in the goodidentification.
So when a PO is written, it has the Product in the product store. When
the po is converted to send to the supplier the Type of code used may be
different than the Catalog code they show.
Yes I have such a situation.

Now in the productstore the vendor tab lets you select role type
suppliers which I believer connects the party to supplierProduct.

but if you got back up to the product you do not have invenotry based on
this supplier.

so linking a Product.productID to the supplierproduct.supplierprodcutID
with a many relationship would allow this flexibility.

There are some other ways like linking the
supplierproduct.supplierproductid to goodidentifications and inventoryItems.
I don't believe the product.ownershipID is mean to link to a party role

ofcourse I may have missed something.

Hope this make sense.