/configure Eclipse development for OFBiz ?

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/configure Eclipse development for OFBiz ?

Do anybody have a brief tutorial, how to set/configure Eclipse development for OFBiz, not from SVN, .... ?

Any link is welcome.

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Re: /configure Eclipse development for OFBiz ?

BJ Freeman
this mailing is more for design of ofbiz.
the user mailing list is more for this type of question.

czy11421 sent the following on 12/1/2008 3:07 PM:
> Do anybody have a brief tutorial, how to set/configure Eclipse development
> for OFBiz, not from SVN, .... ?
> Any link is welcome.
> Thanks.
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Re: /configure Eclipse development for OFBiz ?

Ravindra Mandre-2
In reply to this post by czy11421
I hope this link work for you.

Ravindra Mandre