create a new page

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create a new page

Gabrielle C. Nguyen

I am new to Ofbiz and looking forward to learn about Ofbiz.

I have used the Content Manager in Webtools to create multiple new web pages. I have associated these pages with the WebStore_Content and integrated them into my website so that I can access and edit them.

I have javascript code that I want to run on one of the pages, but it seems that I cannot integrate javascript using the Text Editor for the page in the CMS.

Is there a way around this problem? Any suggestions?

If I am unable to use the CMS to write some Javascript code, I was thinking that an alternative could be to manually create a new FTL file on the server (not using the Webtools UI) that will contain the Javascript code. However, I am not quite sure how to link the file so that I can display it as a page on the website.

ie: 8080/ecommerce/control/ExamplePage

Can someone provide some guidance on how to do this?

My goal is to create a new page for the website that I can embed Javascript in (meaning when this new page loads, it's javascript code will be executed).

Is there a better way to accomplish this?

Thank You,

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Re: create a new page

Jacques Le Roux

Le 11/06/2015 18:56, Gabrielle C. Nguyen a écrit :

> I am new to Ofbiz and looking forward to learn about Ofbiz.
> I have used the Content Manager in Webtools to create multiple new web pages. I have associated these pages with the WebStore_Content and integrated them into my website so that I can access and edit them.
> I have javascript code that I want to run on one of the pages, but it seems that I cannot integrate javascript using the Text Editor for the page in the CMS.
> Is there a way around this problem? Any suggestions?
> If I am unable to use the CMS to write some Javascript code, I was thinking that an alternative could be to manually create a new FTL file on the server (not using the Webtools UI) that will contain the Javascript code. However, I am not quite sure how to link the file so that I can display it as a page on the website.

You can include your FTL file in the screen related to your ExamplePage. There are a lot of examples of such  in OFBiz, like for instance
<platform-specific><html><html-template location="component://common/webcommon/includes/setDependentDropdownValuesJs.ftl"/></html></platform-specific>



> ie: 8080/ecommerce/control/ExamplePage
> Can someone provide some guidance on how to do this?
> My goal is to create a new page for the website that I can embed Javascript in (meaning when this new page loads, it's javascript code will be executed).
> Is there a better way to accomplish this?
> Thank You,
> Gabrielle