css in html is embedded
and this can also be done with an ftl.
I don't believe the OOTB styles will support a view handler parsing an
ftl. if not, it can be added.
I am still reading the code on this new feature to create my own. so
consider this a newbie answer.
hopefully those that created the code will respond.
John Hays sent the following on 5/20/2009 10:39 AM:
> I've been working on implementing a theme against the demo ecommerce
> site with some success. One area of challenge are css URL elements for
> such things as background-image. I have seen an allusion to using ftl
> to create css, like is done with html. Conceptually, I understand how
> this would be accomplished, but how is it done in practice. Is ofbiz
> smart enough to know that if I create entity-engine-xml of the form:
> <!-- Stylesheets -->
> <VisualThemeResource visualThemeId="FOODESIGN"
> resourceTypeEnumId="VT_STYLESHEET" resourceValue=".../style.ftl"
> sequenceId="01" />
> That the style.ftl should be run through freemarker to generate the
> actual css? Or is there some other mechanism?
> Basically, I want to use Freemarker so my URLs can be automatically
> generated based on context.
> John D. Hays
> Director of Information Technology
> Direct Phone: 425-967-4226
> Toll Free: 800-537-8816
> Fax: 425-771-7166
> www.mavericklabel.com
> 120 West Dayton Street
> Edmonds, WA 98020-4180
BJ Freeman
http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automationhttp://bjfreeman.elance.comhttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=1237480&locale=en_US&trk=tab_proSystems Integrator.