Le 18/02/2015 22:01, Ron Wheeler a écrit :
> What is the best practice supported by OFBiz for managing customer relationships?
> One normally has many contacts at a customer. Your sales people interact with end-users, buyers, managers and technical advisers working at the
> customer.
> I assume
> 1) the company and each of the people is a party.
> 2) each of the people parties have a relationship with the company
> 3) in this relationship the people have roles
> 4) your salepeople have a relationship with one or more of the parties
> What is the right way to describe 2)? From their POV it is an employee-employer relationship. Fromoutside, I would expect that this an
> organization-agent relationship.
PartyRelationship.partyIdTo where
PartyRelationship.fromDate/PartyRelationship.thruDate valid
and PartyRelationship.partyIdTo is of type Person
outside change the roleTypeIdTo from EMPLOYEE to CUSTOMER, and the partyRelationshipTypeId tp CUSTOMER_REL, etc.
> What is the best way to assign roles in the relationship 2) and 3) to make sure that OFBiz works well?
> What is the type of relationship to handle 4). It looks like a CUSTOMER_REL with roles of CUSTOMER and ACCOUNT_LEAD.
If you need hierarchical relations ACCOUNT_LEAD for roleTypeIdFrom sounds goods indeed, etc.