dependency questions for discussion

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dependency questions for discussion

Chris Snow-3
With "help" dependent on content, I believe content should be moved into
the framework.

One of the main dependencies in content is from survey to order.  One
option is to remove survey into it's own dedicated component.  Any
thoughts on this?

The other main dependency is on party.  I believe we should move the
core party stuff (Party, PartyAttribute, PartyTypeAttr, PartyGroup,
PartyType, PartyRole, RoleType) into a partycore component that is part
of the framework.  Any thoughts on this?

Content also has a dependency on Person via WebSiteRole.  I'm not sure
Person should become part of partycore.  However, I'm not sure that
Person should be part of WebSiteRole.  Any thoughts on this?

    <entity entity-name="WebSiteRole"
package-name="" title="WebSite Role Association
        <field name="partyId" type="id-ne"></field>
        <field name="roleTypeId" type="id-ne"></field>
        <field name="webSiteId" type="id-ne"></field>
        <field name="fromDate" type="date-time"></field>
        <field name="thruDate" type="date-time"></field>
        <field name="sequenceNum" type="numeric"></field>
        <prim-key field="partyId"/>
        <prim-key field="roleTypeId"/>
        <prim-key field="webSiteId"/>
        <prim-key field="fromDate"/>
        <relation type="one-nofk" rel-entity-name="Party">
            <key-map field-name="partyId"/>
        <relation type="one-nofk" rel-entity-name="RoleType">
            <key-map field-name="roleTypeId"/>
        <relation type="one-nofk" rel-entity-name="Person">
            <key-map field-name="partyId"/>
        <relation type="one-nofk" rel-entity-name="PartyGroup">
            <key-map field-name="partyId"/>
        <relation type="one" fk-name="WSRLE_PTYRLE"
            <key-map field-name="partyId"/>
            <key-map field-name="roleTypeId"/>
        <relation type="one" fk-name="WSRLE_WSITE"
            <key-map field-name="webSiteId"/>

Thanks in advance,

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Re: dependency questions for discussion

Jacopo Cappellato-4

thanks for your report:

On Feb 24, 2010, at 12:50 PM, Christopher Snow wrote:

> With "help" dependent on content, I believe content should be moved into the framework.

IMO the content should be split into two parts: one will go into the framework, the other one ("contentext") will stay in the applications

> One of the main dependencies in content is from survey to order.  One option is to remove survey into it's own dedicated component.  Any thoughts on this?

This could be a good candidate for the "contentext" component I have mentioned before.

> The other main dependency is on party.  I believe we should move the core party stuff (Party, PartyAttribute, PartyTypeAttr, PartyGroup, PartyType, PartyRole, RoleType) into a partycore component that is part of the framework.  Any thoughts on this?

I still think (and hope) that the framework will be able to live without dependencies on Party; we should carefully evaluate the current dependencies and see if we can resolve them.

> Content also has a dependency on Person via WebSiteRole.  I'm not sure Person should become part of partycore.  However, I'm not sure that Person should be part of WebSiteRole.  Any thoughts on this?

The dependency on Person should be removed from the data model: this should be a simple task to perform.

Kind regards,


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Re: dependency questions for discussion

Chris Snow-3
Hi Jacopo,

I will try and identify exactly which entities would be required in
content, and those required in contentext. In the meantime, would you
agree with the following list?

Component CONTENT

view AssocRevisionItemView
view ContentAssocRevisionItemView
view MaxRevisionItemView
view MaxContentApprovalView
view ContentAssocOptViewFrom
view ContentRevisionItemAndContentApprovalView

entity Content
view ContentAndRole
entity ContentApproval
entity ContentAssoc
view ContentAssocDataResourceViewFrom
view ContentAssocDataResourceViewTo
entity ContentAssocPredicate
view ContentAssocViewFrom
view ContentAssocViewTo
entity ContentAttribute
view ContentDataResourceView
entity ContentMetaData
entity ContentOperation
entity ContentPurpose
entity ContentPurposeOperation
entity ContentPurposeType
entity ContentRevision
entity ContentRevisionItem
entity ContentRole
entity ContentType
entity ContentTypeAttr
view SubContentDataResourceView

entity AudioDataResource
entity CharacterSet
entity DataCategory
entity DataResource
entity DataResourceAttribute
view DataResourceContentView
entity DataResourceMetaData
entity DataResourcePurpose
entity DataResourceRole
entity DataResourceType
entity DataResourceTypeAttr
entity DataTemplateType
entity ElectronicText
entity FileExtension
entity ImageDataResource
entity MetaDataPredicate
entity MimeType
entity MimeTypeHtmlTemplate
entity OtherDataResource
entity VideoDataResource

entity Document
entity DocumentAttribute
entity DocumentType
entity DocumentTypeAttr

entity WebPreferenceType
entity WebUserPreference

extend-entity WebPage
entity WebSiteContent
view WebSiteAndContent
entity WebSiteContentType
entity WebSitePathAlias
entity WebSitePublishPoint
entity WebSiteRole
view ContentAssocAndContentPurpose


entity Survey
entity SurveyApplType
entity SurveyMultiResp
entity SurveyMultiRespColumn
entity SurveyPage
entity SurveyQuestion
view SurveyQuestionAndAppl
entity SurveyQuestionAppl
entity SurveyQuestionCategory
entity SurveyQuestionOption
entity SurveyQuestionType
entity SurveyResponse
view SurveyResponseAndAnswer
entity SurveyResponseAnswer
entity SurveyTrigger

Many thanks,


Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

> Chris,
> thanks for your report:
> On Feb 24, 2010, at 12:50 PM, Christopher Snow wrote:
>> With "help" dependent on content, I believe content should be moved into the framework.
> IMO the content should be split into two parts: one will go into the framework, the other one ("contentext") will stay in the applications
>> One of the main dependencies in content is from survey to order.  One option is to remove survey into it's own dedicated component.  Any thoughts on this?
> This could be a good candidate for the "contentext" component I have mentioned before.
>> The other main dependency is on party.  I believe we should move the core party stuff (Party, PartyAttribute, PartyTypeAttr, PartyGroup, PartyType, PartyRole, RoleType) into a partycore component that is part of the framework.  Any thoughts on this?
> I still think (and hope) that the framework will be able to live without dependencies on Party; we should carefully evaluate the current dependencies and see if we can resolve them.
>> Content also has a dependency on Person via WebSiteRole.  I'm not sure Person should become part of partycore.  However, I'm not sure that Person should be part of WebSiteRole.  Any thoughts on this?
> The dependency on Person should be removed from the data model: this should be a simple task to perform.
> Kind regards,
> Jacopo

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Re: dependency questions for discussion

Bruno Busco
Hi Chris,
first of all I want thank you for the effort spent on this subject.
Some time ago I approached this issue in another way:
I tryed to build an OFBiz with only the framework, the content and the
party applications.
Actually what I did was a change to the data model only.
I have a patch that changes the data model so that all dependencies in
the data model are removed. I moved some entities from an application
to another and extended some entity from others.

Please note that only the data model has been changed and not the
application code. So it is not a working OFBiz but I think it could be
good to see what I discovered to be done.

I will create a new JIRA and attach the patch.


2010/2/24 Christopher Snow <[hidden email]>:

> Hi Jacopo,
> I will try and identify exactly which entities would be required in content,
> and those required in contentext. In the meantime, would you agree with the
> following list?
> Component CONTENT
> view AssocRevisionItemView
> view ContentAssocRevisionItemView
> view MaxRevisionItemView
> view MaxContentApprovalView
> view ContentAssocOptViewFrom
> view ContentRevisionItemAndContentApprovalView
> entity Content
> view ContentAndRole
> entity ContentApproval
> entity ContentAssoc
> view ContentAssocDataResourceViewFrom
> view ContentAssocDataResourceViewTo
> entity ContentAssocPredicate
> view ContentAssocViewFrom
> view ContentAssocViewTo
> entity ContentAttribute
> view ContentDataResourceView
> entity ContentMetaData
> entity ContentOperation
> entity ContentPurpose
> entity ContentPurposeOperation
> entity ContentPurposeType
> entity ContentRevision
> entity ContentRevisionItem
> entity ContentRole
> entity ContentType
> entity ContentTypeAttr
> view SubContentDataResourceView
> entity AudioDataResource
> entity CharacterSet
> entity DataCategory
> entity DataResource
> entity DataResourceAttribute
> view DataResourceContentView
> entity DataResourceMetaData
> entity DataResourcePurpose
> entity DataResourceRole
> entity DataResourceType
> entity DataResourceTypeAttr
> entity DataTemplateType
> entity ElectronicText
> entity FileExtension
> entity ImageDataResource
> entity MetaDataPredicate
> entity MimeType
> entity MimeTypeHtmlTemplate
> entity OtherDataResource
> entity VideoDataResource
> entity Document
> entity DocumentAttribute
> entity DocumentType
> entity DocumentTypeAttr
> entity WebPreferenceType
> entity WebUserPreference
> extend-entity WebPage
> entity WebSiteContent
> view WebSiteAndContent
> entity WebSiteContentType
> entity WebSitePathAlias
> entity WebSitePublishPoint
> entity WebSiteRole
> view ContentAssocAndContentPurpose
> Component CONTENTEXT
> entity Survey
> entity SurveyApplType
> entity SurveyMultiResp
> entity SurveyMultiRespColumn
> entity SurveyPage
> entity SurveyQuestion
> view SurveyQuestionAndAppl
> entity SurveyQuestionAppl
> entity SurveyQuestionCategory
> entity SurveyQuestionOption
> entity SurveyQuestionType
> entity SurveyResponse
> view SurveyResponseAndAnswer
> entity SurveyResponseAnswer
> entity SurveyTrigger
> Many thanks,
> Chris
> Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>> Chris,
>> thanks for your report:
>> On Feb 24, 2010, at 12:50 PM, Christopher Snow wrote:
>>> With "help" dependent on content, I believe content should be moved into
>>> the framework.
>> IMO the content should be split into two parts: one will go into the
>> framework, the other one ("contentext") will stay in the applications
>>> One of the main dependencies in content is from survey to order.  One
>>> option is to remove survey into it's own dedicated component.  Any thoughts
>>> on this?
>> This could be a good candidate for the "contentext" component I have
>> mentioned before.
>>> The other main dependency is on party.  I believe we should move the core
>>> party stuff (Party, PartyAttribute, PartyTypeAttr, PartyGroup, PartyType,
>>> PartyRole, RoleType) into a partycore component that is part of the
>>> framework.  Any thoughts on this?
>> I still think (and hope) that the framework will be able to live without
>> dependencies on Party; we should carefully evaluate the current dependencies
>> and see if we can resolve them.
>>> Content also has a dependency on Person via WebSiteRole.  I'm not sure
>>> Person should become part of partycore.  However, I'm not sure that Person
>>> should be part of WebSiteRole.  Any thoughts on this?
>> The dependency on Person should be removed from the data model: this
>> should be a simple task to perform.
>> Kind regards,
>> Jacopo
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Re: dependency questions for discussion

Chris Snow-3
Hi Bruno, that's similar to the approach I followed this morning.  I
commented out all the applicants and specialpurpose.  I then followed the
procedure I documented in the wiki for creaking a stanalone framework
based on release 10.04.  I then uncommented content and proceded to move
all the entity items that content required from party to partycore. These
are :

>>>> Party, PartyAttribute, PartyTypeAttr, PartyGroup,
>>>> PartyType,
>>>> PartyRole, RoleType, Person

I then commented ou the references to order in the content survey tables
and started ofbiz.

I was thinking that if we could decide which entities should go in core,
we can then figure out what to do with the application code.

I know it's unlikely, but it would be great to have the 10.04 available as
a standalone framework!



> Hi Chris,
> first of all I want thank you for the effort spent on this subject.
> Some time ago I approached this issue in another way:
> I tryed to build an OFBiz with only the framework, the content and the
> party applications.
> Actually what I did was a change to the data model only.
> I have a patch that changes the data model so that all dependencies in
> the data model are removed. I moved some entities from an application
> to another and extended some entity from others.
> Please note that only the data model has been changed and not the
> application code. So it is not a working OFBiz but I think it could be
> good to see what I discovered to be done.
> I will create a new JIRA and attach the patch.
> -Bruno
> 2010/2/24 Christopher Snow <[hidden email]>:
>> Hi Jacopo,
>> I will try and identify exactly which entities would be required in
>> content,
>> and those required in contentext. In the meantime, would you agree with
>> the
>> following list?
>> Component CONTENT
>> view AssocRevisionItemView
>> view ContentAssocRevisionItemView
>> view MaxRevisionItemView
>> view MaxContentApprovalView
>> view ContentAssocOptViewFrom
>> view ContentRevisionItemAndContentApprovalView
>> entity Content
>> view ContentAndRole
>> entity ContentApproval
>> entity ContentAssoc
>> view ContentAssocDataResourceViewFrom
>> view ContentAssocDataResourceViewTo
>> entity ContentAssocPredicate
>> view ContentAssocViewFrom
>> view ContentAssocViewTo
>> entity ContentAttribute
>> view ContentDataResourceView
>> entity ContentMetaData
>> entity ContentOperation
>> entity ContentPurpose
>> entity ContentPurposeOperation
>> entity ContentPurposeType
>> entity ContentRevision
>> entity ContentRevisionItem
>> entity ContentRole
>> entity ContentType
>> entity ContentTypeAttr
>> view SubContentDataResourceView
>> entity AudioDataResource
>> entity CharacterSet
>> entity DataCategory
>> entity DataResource
>> entity DataResourceAttribute
>> view DataResourceContentView
>> entity DataResourceMetaData
>> entity DataResourcePurpose
>> entity DataResourceRole
>> entity DataResourceType
>> entity DataResourceTypeAttr
>> entity DataTemplateType
>> entity ElectronicText
>> entity FileExtension
>> entity ImageDataResource
>> entity MetaDataPredicate
>> entity MimeType
>> entity MimeTypeHtmlTemplate
>> entity OtherDataResource
>> entity VideoDataResource
>> entity Document
>> entity DocumentAttribute
>> entity DocumentType
>> entity DocumentTypeAttr
>> entity WebPreferenceType
>> entity WebUserPreference
>> extend-entity WebPage
>> entity WebSiteContent
>> view WebSiteAndContent
>> entity WebSiteContentType
>> entity WebSitePathAlias
>> entity WebSitePublishPoint
>> entity WebSiteRole
>> view ContentAssocAndContentPurpose
>> Component CONTENTEXT
>> entity Survey
>> entity SurveyApplType
>> entity SurveyMultiResp
>> entity SurveyMultiRespColumn
>> entity SurveyPage
>> entity SurveyQuestion
>> view SurveyQuestionAndAppl
>> entity SurveyQuestionAppl
>> entity SurveyQuestionCategory
>> entity SurveyQuestionOption
>> entity SurveyQuestionType
>> entity SurveyResponse
>> view SurveyResponseAndAnswer
>> entity SurveyResponseAnswer
>> entity SurveyTrigger
>> Many thanks,
>> Chris
>> Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>> Chris,
>>> thanks for your report:
>>> On Feb 24, 2010, at 12:50 PM, Christopher Snow wrote:
>>>> With "help" dependent on content, I believe content should be moved
>>>> into
>>>> the framework.
>>> IMO the content should be split into two parts: one will go into the
>>> framework, the other one ("contentext") will stay in the applications
>>>> One of the main dependencies in content is from survey to order.  One
>>>> option is to remove survey into it's own dedicated component.  Any
>>>> thoughts
>>>> on this?
>>> This could be a good candidate for the "contentext" component I have
>>> mentioned before.
>>>> The other main dependency is on party.  I believe we should move the
>>>> core
>>>> party stuff (Party, PartyAttribute, PartyTypeAttr, PartyGroup,
>>>> PartyType,
>>>> PartyRole, RoleType) into a partycore component that is part of the
>>>> framework.  Any thoughts on this?
>>> I still think (and hope) that the framework will be able to live
>>> without
>>> dependencies on Party; we should carefully evaluate the current
>>> dependencies
>>> and see if we can resolve them.
>>>> Content also has a dependency on Person via WebSiteRole.  I'm not sure
>>>> Person should become part of partycore.  However, I'm not sure that
>>>> Person
>>>> should be part of WebSiteRole.  Any thoughts on this?
>>> The dependency on Person should be removed from the data model: this
>>> should be a simple task to perform.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Jacopo

Chris Snow - CEng MBCS CITP MBA (Tech Mgmt) (Open) CISSP

Tel: 01453 890660
Mob: 07944 880950

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Re: dependency questions for discussion

Chris Snow-3
In reply to this post by Chris Snow-3
Hi Devs, do any of you have an opinion on what entities would stay in
content if it was migrated to framework, and what entities would move to
contentext?  My ideas are below...

Many thanks,


Christopher Snow wrote:

> Hi Jacopo,
> I will try and identify exactly which entities would be required in
> content, and those required in contentext. In the meantime, would you
> agree with the following list?
> Component CONTENT
> view AssocRevisionItemView
> view ContentAssocRevisionItemView
> view MaxRevisionItemView
> view MaxContentApprovalView
> view ContentAssocOptViewFrom
> view ContentRevisionItemAndContentApprovalView
> entity Content
> view ContentAndRole
> entity ContentApproval
> entity ContentAssoc
> view ContentAssocDataResourceViewFrom
> view ContentAssocDataResourceViewTo
> entity ContentAssocPredicate
> view ContentAssocViewFrom
> view ContentAssocViewTo
> entity ContentAttribute
> view ContentDataResourceView
> entity ContentMetaData
> entity ContentOperation
> entity ContentPurpose
> entity ContentPurposeOperation
> entity ContentPurposeType
> entity ContentRevision
> entity ContentRevisionItem
> entity ContentRole
> entity ContentType
> entity ContentTypeAttr
> view SubContentDataResourceView
> entity AudioDataResource
> entity CharacterSet
> entity DataCategory
> entity DataResource
> entity DataResourceAttribute
> view DataResourceContentView
> entity DataResourceMetaData
> entity DataResourcePurpose
> entity DataResourceRole
> entity DataResourceType
> entity DataResourceTypeAttr
> entity DataTemplateType
> entity ElectronicText
> entity FileExtension
> entity ImageDataResource
> entity MetaDataPredicate
> entity MimeType
> entity MimeTypeHtmlTemplate
> entity OtherDataResource
> entity VideoDataResource
> entity Document
> entity DocumentAttribute
> entity DocumentType
> entity DocumentTypeAttr
> entity WebPreferenceType
> entity WebUserPreference
> extend-entity WebPage
> entity WebSiteContent
> view WebSiteAndContent
> entity WebSiteContentType
> entity WebSitePathAlias
> entity WebSitePublishPoint
> entity WebSiteRole
> view ContentAssocAndContentPurpose
> Component CONTENTEXT
> entity Survey
> entity SurveyApplType
> entity SurveyMultiResp
> entity SurveyMultiRespColumn
> entity SurveyPage
> entity SurveyQuestion
> view SurveyQuestionAndAppl
> entity SurveyQuestionAppl
> entity SurveyQuestionCategory
> entity SurveyQuestionOption
> entity SurveyQuestionType
> entity SurveyResponse
> view SurveyResponseAndAnswer
> entity SurveyResponseAnswer
> entity SurveyTrigger
> Many thanks,
> Chris
> Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>> Chris,
>> thanks for your report:
>> On Feb 24, 2010, at 12:50 PM, Christopher Snow wrote:
>>> With "help" dependent on content, I believe content should be moved
>>> into the framework.
>> IMO the content should be split into two parts: one will go into the
>> framework, the other one ("contentext") will stay in the applications
>>> One of the main dependencies in content is from survey to order.  
>>> One option is to remove survey into it's own dedicated component.  
>>> Any thoughts on this?
>> This could be a good candidate for the "contentext" component I have
>> mentioned before.
>>> The other main dependency is on party.  I believe we should move the
>>> core party stuff (Party, PartyAttribute, PartyTypeAttr, PartyGroup,
>>> PartyType, PartyRole, RoleType) into a partycore component that is
>>> part of the framework.  Any thoughts on this?
>> I still think (and hope) that the framework will be able to live
>> without dependencies on Party; we should carefully evaluate the
>> current dependencies and see if we can resolve them.
>>> Content also has a dependency on Person via WebSiteRole.  I'm not
>>> sure Person should become part of partycore.  However, I'm not sure
>>> that Person should be part of WebSiteRole.  Any thoughts on this?
>> The dependency on Person should be removed from the data model: this
>> should be a simple task to perform.
>> Kind regards,
>> Jacopo

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Re: dependency questions for discussion

Chris Snow-3
I have documented my thoughts in OFBIZ-3505

Feedback please everyone!

Christopher Snow wrote:

> Hi Devs, do any of you have an opinion on what entities would stay in
> content if it was migrated to framework, and what entities would move
> to contentext?  My ideas are below...
> Many thanks,
> Chris
> Christopher Snow wrote:
>> Hi Jacopo,
>> I will try and identify exactly which entities would be required in
>> content, and those required in contentext. In the meantime, would you
>> agree with the following list?
>> Component CONTENT
>> view AssocRevisionItemView
>> view ContentAssocRevisionItemView
>> view MaxRevisionItemView
>> view MaxContentApprovalView
>> view ContentAssocOptViewFrom
>> view ContentRevisionItemAndContentApprovalView
>> entity Content
>> view ContentAndRole
>> entity ContentApproval
>> entity ContentAssoc
>> view ContentAssocDataResourceViewFrom
>> view ContentAssocDataResourceViewTo
>> entity ContentAssocPredicate
>> view ContentAssocViewFrom
>> view ContentAssocViewTo
>> entity ContentAttribute
>> view ContentDataResourceView
>> entity ContentMetaData
>> entity ContentOperation
>> entity ContentPurpose
>> entity ContentPurposeOperation
>> entity ContentPurposeType
>> entity ContentRevision
>> entity ContentRevisionItem
>> entity ContentRole
>> entity ContentType
>> entity ContentTypeAttr
>> view SubContentDataResourceView
>> entity AudioDataResource
>> entity CharacterSet
>> entity DataCategory
>> entity DataResource
>> entity DataResourceAttribute
>> view DataResourceContentView
>> entity DataResourceMetaData
>> entity DataResourcePurpose
>> entity DataResourceRole
>> entity DataResourceType
>> entity DataResourceTypeAttr
>> entity DataTemplateType
>> entity ElectronicText
>> entity FileExtension
>> entity ImageDataResource
>> entity MetaDataPredicate
>> entity MimeType
>> entity MimeTypeHtmlTemplate
>> entity OtherDataResource
>> entity VideoDataResource
>> entity Document
>> entity DocumentAttribute
>> entity DocumentType
>> entity DocumentTypeAttr
>> entity WebPreferenceType
>> entity WebUserPreference
>> extend-entity WebPage
>> entity WebSiteContent
>> view WebSiteAndContent
>> entity WebSiteContentType
>> entity WebSitePathAlias
>> entity WebSitePublishPoint
>> entity WebSiteRole
>> view ContentAssocAndContentPurpose
>> Component CONTENTEXT
>> entity Survey
>> entity SurveyApplType
>> entity SurveyMultiResp
>> entity SurveyMultiRespColumn
>> entity SurveyPage
>> entity SurveyQuestion
>> view SurveyQuestionAndAppl
>> entity SurveyQuestionAppl
>> entity SurveyQuestionCategory
>> entity SurveyQuestionOption
>> entity SurveyQuestionType
>> entity SurveyResponse
>> view SurveyResponseAndAnswer
>> entity SurveyResponseAnswer
>> entity SurveyTrigger
>> Many thanks,
>> Chris
>> Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>> Chris,
>>> thanks for your report:
>>> On Feb 24, 2010, at 12:50 PM, Christopher Snow wrote:
>>>> With "help" dependent on content, I believe content should be moved
>>>> into the framework.
>>> IMO the content should be split into two parts: one will go into the
>>> framework, the other one ("contentext") will stay in the applications
>>>> One of the main dependencies in content is from survey to order.  
>>>> One option is to remove survey into it's own dedicated component.  
>>>> Any thoughts on this?
>>> This could be a good candidate for the "contentext" component I have
>>> mentioned before.
>>>> The other main dependency is on party.  I believe we should move
>>>> the core party stuff (Party, PartyAttribute, PartyTypeAttr,
>>>> PartyGroup, PartyType, PartyRole, RoleType) into a partycore
>>>> component that is part of the framework.  Any thoughts on this?
>>> I still think (and hope) that the framework will be able to live
>>> without dependencies on Party; we should carefully evaluate the
>>> current dependencies and see if we can resolve them.
>>>> Content also has a dependency on Person via WebSiteRole.  I'm not
>>>> sure Person should become part of partycore.  However, I'm not sure
>>>> that Person should be part of WebSiteRole.  Any thoughts on this?
>>> The dependency on Person should be removed from the data model: this
>>> should be a simple task to perform.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Jacopo

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Re: dependency questions for discussion

David E. Jones-2

I'd recommend looking at entity relationships (especially those with foreign keys). For example, by including any of the *Role entities you would be including the Party, RoleType and other such entities in the party component. The same may be true of other components. In other words, you're implicitly talking about including those things as well.

Also, why not include the Survey* entities? Do those depend on something you want to leave out, or are you just not interested in the idea of dynamic forms?


On Feb 24, 2010, at 10:52 PM, Christopher Snow wrote:

> I have documented my thoughts in OFBIZ-3505
> Feedback please everyone!
> Christopher Snow wrote:
>> Hi Devs, do any of you have an opinion on what entities would stay in content if it was migrated to framework, and what entities would move to contentext?  My ideas are below...
>> Many thanks,
>> Chris
>> Christopher Snow wrote:
>>> Hi Jacopo,
>>> I will try and identify exactly which entities would be required in content, and those required in contentext. In the meantime, would you agree with the following list?
>>> Component CONTENT
>>> view AssocRevisionItemView
>>> view ContentAssocRevisionItemView
>>> view MaxRevisionItemView
>>> view MaxContentApprovalView
>>> view ContentAssocOptViewFrom
>>> view ContentRevisionItemAndContentApprovalView
>>> entity Content
>>> view ContentAndRole
>>> entity ContentApproval
>>> entity ContentAssoc
>>> view ContentAssocDataResourceViewFrom
>>> view ContentAssocDataResourceViewTo
>>> entity ContentAssocPredicate
>>> view ContentAssocViewFrom
>>> view ContentAssocViewTo
>>> entity ContentAttribute
>>> view ContentDataResourceView
>>> entity ContentMetaData
>>> entity ContentOperation
>>> entity ContentPurpose
>>> entity ContentPurposeOperation
>>> entity ContentPurposeType
>>> entity ContentRevision
>>> entity ContentRevisionItem
>>> entity ContentRole
>>> entity ContentType
>>> entity ContentTypeAttr
>>> view SubContentDataResourceView
>>> entity AudioDataResource
>>> entity CharacterSet
>>> entity DataCategory
>>> entity DataResource
>>> entity DataResourceAttribute
>>> view DataResourceContentView
>>> entity DataResourceMetaData
>>> entity DataResourcePurpose
>>> entity DataResourceRole
>>> entity DataResourceType
>>> entity DataResourceTypeAttr
>>> entity DataTemplateType
>>> entity ElectronicText
>>> entity FileExtension
>>> entity ImageDataResource
>>> entity MetaDataPredicate
>>> entity MimeType
>>> entity MimeTypeHtmlTemplate
>>> entity OtherDataResource
>>> entity VideoDataResource
>>> entity Document
>>> entity DocumentAttribute
>>> entity DocumentType
>>> entity DocumentTypeAttr
>>> entity WebPreferenceType
>>> entity WebUserPreference
>>> extend-entity WebPage
>>> entity WebSiteContent
>>> view WebSiteAndContent
>>> entity WebSiteContentType
>>> entity WebSitePathAlias
>>> entity WebSitePublishPoint
>>> entity WebSiteRole
>>> view ContentAssocAndContentPurpose
>>> Component CONTENTEXT
>>> entity Survey
>>> entity SurveyApplType
>>> entity SurveyMultiResp
>>> entity SurveyMultiRespColumn
>>> entity SurveyPage
>>> entity SurveyQuestion
>>> view SurveyQuestionAndAppl
>>> entity SurveyQuestionAppl
>>> entity SurveyQuestionCategory
>>> entity SurveyQuestionOption
>>> entity SurveyQuestionType
>>> entity SurveyResponse
>>> view SurveyResponseAndAnswer
>>> entity SurveyResponseAnswer
>>> entity SurveyTrigger
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Chris
>>> Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>>> Chris,
>>>> thanks for your report:
>>>> On Feb 24, 2010, at 12:50 PM, Christopher Snow wrote:
>>>>> With "help" dependent on content, I believe content should be moved into the framework.
>>>> IMO the content should be split into two parts: one will go into the framework, the other one ("contentext") will stay in the applications
>>>>> One of the main dependencies in content is from survey to order.  One option is to remove survey into it's own dedicated component.  Any thoughts on this?
>>>> This could be a good candidate for the "contentext" component I have mentioned before.
>>>>> The other main dependency is on party.  I believe we should move the core party stuff (Party, PartyAttribute, PartyTypeAttr, PartyGroup, PartyType, PartyRole, RoleType) into a partycore component that is part of the framework.  Any thoughts on this?
>>>> I still think (and hope) that the framework will be able to live without dependencies on Party; we should carefully evaluate the current dependencies and see if we can resolve them.
>>>>> Content also has a dependency on Person via WebSiteRole.  I'm not sure Person should become part of partycore.  However, I'm not sure that Person should be part of WebSiteRole.  Any thoughts on this?
>>>> The dependency on Person should be removed from the data model: this should be a simple task to perform.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Jacopo

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Re: dependency questions for discussion

Chris Snow-3
Hi David. thanks for the feedback.

I don't mind eaither way with survey, though SurveyResponse does have a
dependency on order.  If survey became core, the dependency could be
reversed by the order component extending the SurveyResponse entity?

Many thanks,


> I'd recommend looking at entity relationships (especially those with
> foreign keys). For example, by including any of the *Role entities you
> would be including the Party, RoleType and other such entities in the
> party component. The same may be true of other components. In other words,
> you're implicitly talking about including those things as well.
> Also, why not include the Survey* entities? Do those depend on something
> you want to leave out, or are you just not interested in the idea of
> dynamic forms?
> -David
> On Feb 24, 2010, at 10:52 PM, Christopher Snow wrote:
>> I have documented my thoughts in OFBIZ-3505
>> Feedback please everyone!
>> Christopher Snow wrote:
>>> Hi Devs, do any of you have an opinion on what entities would stay in
>>> content if it was migrated to framework, and what entities would move
>>> to contentext?  My ideas are below...
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Chris
>>> Christopher Snow wrote:
>>>> Hi Jacopo,
>>>> I will try and identify exactly which entities would be required in
>>>> content, and those required in contentext. In the meantime, would you
>>>> agree with the following list?
>>>> Component CONTENT
>>>> view AssocRevisionItemView
>>>> view ContentAssocRevisionItemView
>>>> view MaxRevisionItemView
>>>> view MaxContentApprovalView
>>>> view ContentAssocOptViewFrom
>>>> view ContentRevisionItemAndContentApprovalView
>>>> entity Content
>>>> view ContentAndRole
>>>> entity ContentApproval
>>>> entity ContentAssoc
>>>> view ContentAssocDataResourceViewFrom
>>>> view ContentAssocDataResourceViewTo
>>>> entity ContentAssocPredicate
>>>> view ContentAssocViewFrom
>>>> view ContentAssocViewTo
>>>> entity ContentAttribute
>>>> view ContentDataResourceView
>>>> entity ContentMetaData
>>>> entity ContentOperation
>>>> entity ContentPurpose
>>>> entity ContentPurposeOperation
>>>> entity ContentPurposeType
>>>> entity ContentRevision
>>>> entity ContentRevisionItem
>>>> entity ContentRole
>>>> entity ContentType
>>>> entity ContentTypeAttr
>>>> view SubContentDataResourceView
>>>> entity AudioDataResource
>>>> entity CharacterSet
>>>> entity DataCategory
>>>> entity DataResource
>>>> entity DataResourceAttribute
>>>> view DataResourceContentView
>>>> entity DataResourceMetaData
>>>> entity DataResourcePurpose
>>>> entity DataResourceRole
>>>> entity DataResourceType
>>>> entity DataResourceTypeAttr
>>>> entity DataTemplateType
>>>> entity ElectronicText
>>>> entity FileExtension
>>>> entity ImageDataResource
>>>> entity MetaDataPredicate
>>>> entity MimeType
>>>> entity MimeTypeHtmlTemplate
>>>> entity OtherDataResource
>>>> entity VideoDataResource
>>>> entity Document
>>>> entity DocumentAttribute
>>>> entity DocumentType
>>>> entity DocumentTypeAttr
>>>> entity WebPreferenceType
>>>> entity WebUserPreference
>>>> extend-entity WebPage
>>>> entity WebSiteContent
>>>> view WebSiteAndContent
>>>> entity WebSiteContentType
>>>> entity WebSitePathAlias
>>>> entity WebSitePublishPoint
>>>> entity WebSiteRole
>>>> view ContentAssocAndContentPurpose
>>>> Component CONTENTEXT
>>>> entity Survey
>>>> entity SurveyApplType
>>>> entity SurveyMultiResp
>>>> entity SurveyMultiRespColumn
>>>> entity SurveyPage
>>>> entity SurveyQuestion
>>>> view SurveyQuestionAndAppl
>>>> entity SurveyQuestionAppl
>>>> entity SurveyQuestionCategory
>>>> entity SurveyQuestionOption
>>>> entity SurveyQuestionType
>>>> entity SurveyResponse
>>>> view SurveyResponseAndAnswer
>>>> entity SurveyResponseAnswer
>>>> entity SurveyTrigger
>>>> Many thanks,
>>>> Chris
>>>> Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>>>> Chris,
>>>>> thanks for your report:
>>>>> On Feb 24, 2010, at 12:50 PM, Christopher Snow wrote:
>>>>>> With "help" dependent on content, I believe content should be moved
>>>>>> into the framework.
>>>>> IMO the content should be split into two parts: one will go into the
>>>>> framework, the other one ("contentext") will stay in the applications
>>>>>> One of the main dependencies in content is from survey to order.
>>>>>> One option is to remove survey into it's own dedicated component.
>>>>>> Any thoughts on this?
>>>>> This could be a good candidate for the "contentext" component I have
>>>>> mentioned before.
>>>>>> The other main dependency is on party.  I believe we should move the
>>>>>> core party stuff (Party, PartyAttribute, PartyTypeAttr, PartyGroup,
>>>>>> PartyType, PartyRole, RoleType) into a partycore component that is
>>>>>> part of the framework.  Any thoughts on this?
>>>>> I still think (and hope) that the framework will be able to live
>>>>> without dependencies on Party; we should carefully evaluate the
>>>>> current dependencies and see if we can resolve them.
>>>>>> Content also has a dependency on Person via WebSiteRole.  I'm not
>>>>>> sure Person should become part of partycore.  However, I'm not sure
>>>>>> that Person should be part of WebSiteRole.  Any thoughts on this?
>>>>> The dependency on Person should be removed from the data model: this
>>>>> should be a simple task to perform.
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Jacopo

Chris Snow - CEng MBCS CITP MBA (Tech Mgmt) (Open) CISSP

Tel: 01453 890660
Mob: 07944 880950

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Re: dependency questions for discussion

David E. Jones-2

Yes, from a data modeling perspective (and in general for the most part) nearly any dependency can be reversed.


On Feb 24, 2010, at 11:14 PM, Chris Snow wrote:

> Hi David. thanks for the feedback.
> I don't mind eaither way with survey, though SurveyResponse does have a
> dependency on order.  If survey became core, the dependency could be
> reversed by the order component extending the SurveyResponse entity?
> Many thanks,
> Chris
>> I'd recommend looking at entity relationships (especially those with
>> foreign keys). For example, by including any of the *Role entities you
>> would be including the Party, RoleType and other such entities in the
>> party component. The same may be true of other components. In other words,
>> you're implicitly talking about including those things as well.
>> Also, why not include the Survey* entities? Do those depend on something
>> you want to leave out, or are you just not interested in the idea of
>> dynamic forms?
>> -David
>> On Feb 24, 2010, at 10:52 PM, Christopher Snow wrote:
>>> I have documented my thoughts in OFBIZ-3505
>>> Feedback please everyone!
>>> Christopher Snow wrote:
>>>> Hi Devs, do any of you have an opinion on what entities would stay in
>>>> content if it was migrated to framework, and what entities would move
>>>> to contentext?  My ideas are below...
>>>> Many thanks,
>>>> Chris
>>>> Christopher Snow wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jacopo,
>>>>> I will try and identify exactly which entities would be required in
>>>>> content, and those required in contentext. In the meantime, would you
>>>>> agree with the following list?
>>>>> Component CONTENT
>>>>> view AssocRevisionItemView
>>>>> view ContentAssocRevisionItemView
>>>>> view MaxRevisionItemView
>>>>> view MaxContentApprovalView
>>>>> view ContentAssocOptViewFrom
>>>>> view ContentRevisionItemAndContentApprovalView
>>>>> entity Content
>>>>> view ContentAndRole
>>>>> entity ContentApproval
>>>>> entity ContentAssoc
>>>>> view ContentAssocDataResourceViewFrom
>>>>> view ContentAssocDataResourceViewTo
>>>>> entity ContentAssocPredicate
>>>>> view ContentAssocViewFrom
>>>>> view ContentAssocViewTo
>>>>> entity ContentAttribute
>>>>> view ContentDataResourceView
>>>>> entity ContentMetaData
>>>>> entity ContentOperation
>>>>> entity ContentPurpose
>>>>> entity ContentPurposeOperation
>>>>> entity ContentPurposeType
>>>>> entity ContentRevision
>>>>> entity ContentRevisionItem
>>>>> entity ContentRole
>>>>> entity ContentType
>>>>> entity ContentTypeAttr
>>>>> view SubContentDataResourceView
>>>>> entity AudioDataResource
>>>>> entity CharacterSet
>>>>> entity DataCategory
>>>>> entity DataResource
>>>>> entity DataResourceAttribute
>>>>> view DataResourceContentView
>>>>> entity DataResourceMetaData
>>>>> entity DataResourcePurpose
>>>>> entity DataResourceRole
>>>>> entity DataResourceType
>>>>> entity DataResourceTypeAttr
>>>>> entity DataTemplateType
>>>>> entity ElectronicText
>>>>> entity FileExtension
>>>>> entity ImageDataResource
>>>>> entity MetaDataPredicate
>>>>> entity MimeType
>>>>> entity MimeTypeHtmlTemplate
>>>>> entity OtherDataResource
>>>>> entity VideoDataResource
>>>>> entity Document
>>>>> entity DocumentAttribute
>>>>> entity DocumentType
>>>>> entity DocumentTypeAttr
>>>>> entity WebPreferenceType
>>>>> entity WebUserPreference
>>>>> extend-entity WebPage
>>>>> entity WebSiteContent
>>>>> view WebSiteAndContent
>>>>> entity WebSiteContentType
>>>>> entity WebSitePathAlias
>>>>> entity WebSitePublishPoint
>>>>> entity WebSiteRole
>>>>> view ContentAssocAndContentPurpose
>>>>> Component CONTENTEXT
>>>>> entity Survey
>>>>> entity SurveyApplType
>>>>> entity SurveyMultiResp
>>>>> entity SurveyMultiRespColumn
>>>>> entity SurveyPage
>>>>> entity SurveyQuestion
>>>>> view SurveyQuestionAndAppl
>>>>> entity SurveyQuestionAppl
>>>>> entity SurveyQuestionCategory
>>>>> entity SurveyQuestionOption
>>>>> entity SurveyQuestionType
>>>>> entity SurveyResponse
>>>>> view SurveyResponseAndAnswer
>>>>> entity SurveyResponseAnswer
>>>>> entity SurveyTrigger
>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>> Chris
>>>>> Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>>>>> Chris,
>>>>>> thanks for your report:
>>>>>> On Feb 24, 2010, at 12:50 PM, Christopher Snow wrote:
>>>>>>> With "help" dependent on content, I believe content should be moved
>>>>>>> into the framework.
>>>>>> IMO the content should be split into two parts: one will go into the
>>>>>> framework, the other one ("contentext") will stay in the applications
>>>>>>> One of the main dependencies in content is from survey to order.
>>>>>>> One option is to remove survey into it's own dedicated component.
>>>>>>> Any thoughts on this?
>>>>>> This could be a good candidate for the "contentext" component I have
>>>>>> mentioned before.
>>>>>>> The other main dependency is on party.  I believe we should move the
>>>>>>> core party stuff (Party, PartyAttribute, PartyTypeAttr, PartyGroup,
>>>>>>> PartyType, PartyRole, RoleType) into a partycore component that is
>>>>>>> part of the framework.  Any thoughts on this?
>>>>>> I still think (and hope) that the framework will be able to live
>>>>>> without dependencies on Party; we should carefully evaluate the
>>>>>> current dependencies and see if we can resolve them.
>>>>>>> Content also has a dependency on Person via WebSiteRole.  I'm not
>>>>>>> sure Person should become part of partycore.  However, I'm not sure
>>>>>>> that Person should be part of WebSiteRole.  Any thoughts on this?
>>>>>> The dependency on Person should be removed from the data model: this
>>>>>> should be a simple task to perform.
>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>> Jacopo
> --
> Chris Snow - CEng MBCS CITP MBA (Tech Mgmt) (Open) CISSP
> Tel: 01453 890660
> Mob: 07944 880950
> Www: