disabling or deleting shipping methods per store

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disabling or deleting shipping methods per store


Using the demo store data there appears to be no obvious way to delete
or disable the US specific shipping methods provided from my UK based
store. The options seems to be either to delete them via the entity
manager, or to exclude them using the geo-exclude feature. Neither
method is particularly satisfying.

Any suggestions on that?


p.s In the real world, when I have to hand this web-interface over to a
customer, one of the first questions is going to be how to delete items
which have been created in error. I read the posts about maintaining an
audit log, and performance, and I can imagine there are technical issues
cascading deletes through the various back-ends that either support
(derby) or do not support (MyISAM)  cascades.


However, this is a really basic feature, even if it was disabled by
default to encourage auditability ...