eCommerce advanced search error

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eCommerce advanced search error

Rick F.
Hi all -
  I've created a catalog ApplianceParts and associated it with the store, ecommerce. The Catalog contains a single category, frApplianceParts which is the browse root category of ApplianceParts. Advanced searches work fine in the catalog application. However, when using the advanced search in the ecommerce app, I get the following error:
  The current transaction is marked for rollback, not beginning a new transaction and aborting current operation; the rollbackOnly was caused by: Failure in create operation for entity [ProductSearchResult]: org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException: Exception while inserting the following entity: [GenericEntity:ProductSearchResult][createdStamp,2007-02-12 19:36:17.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2007-02-12 19:36:17.171(java.sql.Timestamp)][isAscending,N(java.lang.String)][lastUpdatedStamp,2007-02-12 19:36:17.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2007-02-12 19:36:17.171(java.sql.Timestamp)][numResults,0(java.lang.Long)][orderByName,KeywordRelevancy(java.lang.String)][productSearchResultId,10076(java.lang.String)][searchDate,2007-02-12 19:36:17.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][secondsTotal,0.0(java.lang.Double)][visitId,11027(java.lang.String)] (while inserting: [GenericEntity:ProductSearchResult][createdStamp,2007-02-12
 19:36:17.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2007-02-12 19:36:17.171(java.sql.Timestamp)][isAscending,N(java.lang.String)][lastUpdatedStamp,2007-02-12 19:36:17.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2007-02-12 19:36:17.171(java.sql.Timestamp)][numResults,0(java.lang.Long)][orderByName,KeywordRelevancy(java.lang.String)][productSearchResultId,10076(java.lang.String)][searchDate,2007-02-12 19:36:17.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][secondsTotal,0.0(java.lang.Double)][visitId,11027(java.lang.String)] (SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO public.PRODUCT_SEARCH_RESULT (PRODUCT_SEARCH_RESULT_ID, VISIT_ID, ORDER_BY_NAME, IS_ASCENDING, NUM_RESULTS, SECONDS_TOTAL, SEARCH_DATE, LAST_UPDATED_STAMP, LAST_UPDATED_TX_STAMP, CREATED_STAMP, CREATED_TX_STAMP) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?).
  This only happens for the ApplianceParts catalog and not the demo or test catalogs. I noted that my visitId(11027) doesnt exist in the visit table and that the last entry for visitId in visit, is 10106 or about a hundred visits off and the table stopped logging visits and sessionids two day ago. There is a fk on visitId in the product_search_result table.
  Did I miss a step in setting up the new Catalog ApplianceParts, or is there a setting I need to change to start logging the visits again? And why do the demo and test catalog searches work fine?
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Re: eCommerce advanced search error

Rick F.
I changed the frApplianceParts category to a child of the ApplianceParts category and made the ApplianceParts category a default search category of the catalog, Appliance Parts. The error went away... But I can't search and find any of the 176,000 items in the frApplianceParts category. In the catalog app, I can search them just fine. What have I done wrong?

Richard Fleming <[hidden email]> wrote:
  Hi all -

I've created a catalog ApplianceParts and associated it with the store, ecommerce. The Catalog contains a single category, frApplianceParts which is the browse root category of ApplianceParts. Advanced searches work fine in the catalog application. However, when using the advanced search in the ecommerce app, I get the following error:

The current transaction is marked for rollback, not beginning a new transaction and aborting current operation; the rollbackOnly was caused by: Failure in create operation for entity [ProductSearchResult]: org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException: Exception while inserting the following entity: [GenericEntity:ProductSearchResult][createdStamp,2007-02-12 19:36:17.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2007-02-12 19:36:17.171(java.sql.Timestamp)][isAscending,N(java.lang.String)][lastUpdatedStamp,2007-02-12 19:36:17.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2007-02-12 19:36:17.171(java.sql.Timestamp)][numResults,0(java.lang.Long)][orderByName,KeywordRelevancy(java.lang.String)][productSearchResultId,10076(java.lang.String)][searchDate,2007-02-12 19:36:17.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][secondsTotal,0.0(java.lang.Double)][visitId,11027(java.lang.String)] (while inserting: [GenericEntity:ProductSearchResult][createdStamp,2007-02-12
19:36:17.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2007-02-12 19:36:17.171(java.sql.Timestamp)][isAscending,N(java.lang.String)][lastUpdatedStamp,2007-02-12 19:36:17.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2007-02-12 19:36:17.171(java.sql.Timestamp)][numResults,0(java.lang.Long)][orderByName,KeywordRelevancy(java.lang.String)][productSearchResultId,10076(java.lang.String)][searchDate,2007-02-12 19:36:17.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][secondsTotal,0.0(java.lang.Double)][visitId,11027(java.lang.String)] (SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO public.PRODUCT_SEARCH_RESULT (PRODUCT_SEARCH_RESULT_ID, VISIT_ID, ORDER_BY_NAME, IS_ASCENDING, NUM_RESULTS, SECONDS_TOTAL, SEARCH_DATE, LAST_UPDATED_STAMP, LAST_UPDATED_TX_STAMP, CREATED_STAMP, CREATED_TX_STAMP) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?).

This only happens for the ApplianceParts catalog and not the demo or test catalogs. I noted that my visitId(11027) doesnt exist in the visit table and that the last entry for visitId in visit, is 10106 or about a hundred visits off and the table stopped logging visits and sessionids two day ago. There is a fk on visitId in the product_search_result table.

Did I miss a step in setting up the new Catalog ApplianceParts, or is there a setting I need to change to start logging the visits again? And why do the demo and test catalog searches work fine?
