ecommerce fulfillment roles

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ecommerce fulfillment roles

Grant Edwards-2

My ecommerce store is to a large extent a collection of services, for
which I act as agent on behalf of my suppliers. Suppliers will either
supply me with a single product at a certain geographical location (with
the necessary contact details ... fax, telephone, email) or multiple
products in different locations, all with their own contact details. A
good example of this is a hotel or a chain of hotels.

In terms of fulfillment my requirement is rather simple. When a booking
is made an email or fax needs to be sent to where the product is located
and not necessary to where the supplier is located.

So in a nutshell my question is this, how can I specify a fulfillment
role at a product level, and can that role ultimately "point" to the
email contact details of the party assigned to the manager role of that

Or if anyone has a better way of achieving this please let me know.

Kind regards

Grant Edwards