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BJ Freeman
I have many ContactMechpurposeTypes, with descriptions showing in the
yet the add purpose dropdown, in partymgr/control/editcontactmech is
only populated with three email selections.
<select name="preContactMechTypeId" class="selectBox">
               <#list mechMap.contactMechTypes as contactMechType>

I get lost in the bsh it looks up the mechMap.contactMechTypes

the only reference that seems to make sense is
Map mechMap = new HashMap();
ContactMechWorker.getContactMechAndRelated(request, partyId, mechMap);
context.put("mechMap", mechMap);

  in ContactMechWorker.getContactMechAndRelated
there is this note
    /** TO BE REMOVED (DEJ 20030221): This method was for use in a JSP
and when they are removed this can be removed as well rather than being
maintained, should be removed when eCommerce and party mgr and possible
other places are converted to FTL */

  Does something have to change?
if so I am here will try. just need a pointer.
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Re: editcontactmech.ftl

BJ Freeman
Found the problem, will submit an  new
ContactMechTypePurposes that links the ones I submitted.

BJ Freeman sent the following on 8/8/2006 12:07 PM:

> I have many ContactMechpurposeTypes, with descriptions showing in the
> webtools.
> yet the add purpose dropdown, in partymgr/control/editcontactmech is
> only populated with three email selections.
> <select name="preContactMechTypeId" class="selectBox">
>               <#list mechMap.contactMechTypes as contactMechType>
>                 <option
> value="${contactMechType.contactMechTypeId}">${contactMechType.get("description",locale)}</option>
>               </#list>
>             </select>&nbsp;<a
> href="javascript:document.createcontactmechform.submit()"
> class="buttontext">[${uiLabelMap.CommonCreate}]</a>
> I get lost in the bsh it looks up the mechMap.contactMechTypes
> the only reference that seems to make sense is
> Map mechMap = new HashMap();
> ContactMechWorker.getContactMechAndRelated(request, partyId, mechMap);
> context.put("mechMap", mechMap);
>  in ContactMechWorker.getContactMechAndRelated
> there is this note
>    /** TO BE REMOVED (DEJ 20030221): This method was for use in a JSP
> and when they are removed this can be removed as well rather than being
> maintained, should be removed when eCommerce and party mgr and possible
> other places are converted to FTL */
>  Does something have to change?
> if so I am here will try. just need a pointer.