sorry for the text wrap.
8 sec to find if a duplicate of a very large when you have 100s of
emails a day. after a couple of months that is 44,000 emails says based
on this sample 1 in 6 are large roughly 7,000 emails at 8 seconds is
about 13 hours of processing time.
that certainly does not allow for a reasonable checkng of the incoming
14:15:19,203 [EmailServices.java:786:INFO ] Ignoring Duplicate Email:
14:15:19,734 [EmailServices.java:786:INFO ] Ignoring Duplicate Email:
14:15:20,265 [EmailServices.java:786:INFO ] Ignoring Duplicate Email:
message <-- this one is a 30 meg file. notice 8
14:15:28,531 [EmailServices.java:786:INFO ] Ignoring Duplicate Email:
message <-| 8 second to find if duplicate
14:15:29,406 [EmailServices.java:786:INFO ] Ignoring Duplicate Email:
14:15:30,171 [EmailServices.java:786:INFO ] Ignoring Duplicate Email: