enter a date directly, no more possible

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enter a date directly, no more possible


This morning on demo-trunk, it seems, it's no more possible to enter a date-time in a date-time field without using the calendar icon !

ex: on party, added a security group
The field seems to be disable

is it normal ?  it's not really convenient

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Re: enter a date directly, no more possible

Pawan Verma
Thanks, Olivier for the report. This bug was introduced by me under
OFBIZ-10432 and I've fixed it at bc0afa3. Thanks!
Thanks & Regards
Pawan Verma
Technical Consultant
*HotWax Systems*
*Enterprise open source experts*

On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 1:50 PM Olivier Heintz <
[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> This morning on demo-trunk, it seems, it's no more possible to enter a
> date-time in a date-time field without using the calendar icon !
> ex: on party, added a security group
> The field seems to be disable
> is it normal ?  it's not really convenient
> Olivier