entity-auto and allow-html="safe"

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entity-auto and allow-html="safe"

Jacques Le Roux
Hi All,

I noticed an issue due to entity-auto. Unlike with a standard service you can't protect fields using allow-html="safe"

An example is ruleName field in PriceForms.xml#AddPriceRules with createProductPriceRule and updateProductPriceRule services

I'll create a Jira to see how we can handle that...


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Re: entity-auto and allow-html="safe"

Jacques Le Roux
Le 20/12/2020 à 10:26, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

> Hi All,
> I noticed an issue due to entity-auto. Unlike with a standard service you can't protect fields using allow-html="safe"
> An example is ruleName field in PriceForms.xml#AddPriceRules with createProductPriceRule and updateProductPriceRule services
> I'll create a Jira to see how we can handle that...
> Jacques
OK, it's not really needed since we still can override fields. So in case this must be done one by one...