I think it is related to OFBIZ-3862, ie if there is any ajax event on a page
that triggers a screen rendering (even partial one) this generates a new
externalLoginKey at the server side, and makes the current externalLoginKey
that is already appended to urls not valid.
In my opinion the solution is to prevent generating of new externalLoginKeys
for ajax calls as proposed on the OFBIZ-3862
Bilgin Ibryam
On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Jacques Le Roux <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know why but now (for a week or a month?) when I switch from an app
> to another I have more than before to re-enter the credentials. I tested
> with FF, Opera and Chrome .
> Have a delay been changed, any other ideas?
> Jacques