facility locations

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facility locations

I am trying to make taking inventory easier.
I was thinking of adding location and position, but was afraid how hard it would be to count inventory (one product) in two locations.
Looking at facility I see a location tab.
Any one using this? Is there a clear explanation of how to use ofbiz facility location, and how does it impact things like QOH in physical inventory (which does not appear to know about locations).
As much as I have played around I still dont understand picking which it appears locations is used for.
I can purchase and receive inventory, but dont see exactly how shipping group plays into it, or how picking works. I am not selling. I do P.O. and quick receive the P.O. I use the min quantity to generate requirements and move those to P.O. I did see a min qty on location, so not sure if that works the same for requirements. Any docs out there I could read to get a better feel for creating locations and using them for physical inventory in a specific order. My current custom P.O. does not create an invoice, I think I am missing creating the ship group. It does let me receive the inventory.
Joel Fradkin
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Re: facility locations

Jacopo Cappellato-4
Hi Joel,

you can have locations of type "pick" and of type "bulk".
The system always tries to reserve and then pick items from "pick" locations first.
When the QOH in a pick location reaches the min quantity set on the same, the system, under the "stock move" tab, proposes a stock movement from a bulk to a pick location.
You can visualize this with bulk locations being in the highest part of shelves while the pick locations being right under them in the low part of the shelves that are easily reachable by pickers.
The demo data in OFBiz is setup to implement this behavior.

I hope it helps,


On Nov 4, 2014, at 7:34 PM, [hidden email] wrote:

> I am trying to make taking inventory easier.
> I was thinking of adding location and position, but was afraid how hard it
> would be to count inventory (one product) in two locations.
> Looking at facility I see a location tab.
> Any one using this? Is there a clear explanation of how to use ofbiz
> facility location, and how does it impact things like QOH in physical
> inventory (which does not appear to know about locations).
> As much as I have played around I still dont understand picking which it
> appears locations is used for.
> I can purchase and receive inventory, but dont see exactly how shipping
> group plays into it, or how picking works. I am not selling. I do P.O. and
> quick receive the P.O. I use the min quantity to generate requirements and
> move those to P.O. I did see a min qty on location, so not sure if that
> works the same for requirements. Any docs out there I could read to get a
> better feel for creating locations and using them for physical inventory in
> a specific order. My current custom P.O. does not create an invoice, I think
> I am missing creating the ship group. It does let me receive the inventory.
> -----
> Joel Fradkin
> --
> View this message in context: http://ofbiz.135035.n4.nabble.com/facility-locations-tp4657831.html
> Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: facility locations

Yes that is a big help. I guess I need to do a sale and see if I can understand the whole picking aspect.
We are not using the sales part as I am interfacing with a POS we wrote in Ruby.

My need is to make taking physical inventory easier.
I re-did the physical inventory screen to allow the user to enter the actual quantity rather than a adjustment. It uses a stocking quantity and a supplier quantity. It calculates the adjustment (which they can edit to over-ride the calculated value). I made it one line per product so the client is not aware of inventory Items.

The request is to have areas where the inventory is stored, like a bar has several shelves and present in a order like first bottle is bacardi etc.. The location from picking and bulk seemed like a great fit. I just wanted to ensure it was not being used as part of the MRP system. When I saw a min quantity I was curious.

It will be a job, but I can rig it up to store quantity (probably model off product, item, item detail) on a per location basis, and have it update the accumulated totals to the regular product system, MRP looks at the QOH in product to make recomendations (this is where my locations will need to feed the totals by product).

Thank you for the heads up. Is there a wiki or other docs available on how to use the demo data to do picking etc. I am still figuring out how seed/demo data relates to OFBiz GUI etc in terms of configuring etc without demo data.
Joel Fradkin