findBys and Transactions

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findBys and Transactions

Ritesh Trivedi

Note:I tried searching for an explanation of why are transactions created by GenericDelegator even for purely read only operations - but couldnt find any relevant thread. If its already answered will appreciate if someone can provide the link.

I ran a profiler on my application and found significant amount of time getting spent

e.g. (GenericDelegator.findCountByCondition() - is spending 90% of the time in transaction.begin and transaction.commit())

There are several (if not most) other calls that are similar which is adding up to the slowness in the response time.

Is there a reason why GenericDelegator is creating transaction for read only operations - such as findBys and counts? Also there is a flag alwaysUseTransaction - but that really "always" - not really very useful if you think about it (besides its declared final). Is there a way to turn off the transactions on as needed basis?

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Re: findBys and Transactions

Scott Gray
Hi Ritesh

There are plenty of threads around, here's a couple:


2008/9/30 Ritesh Trivedi <[hidden email]>:

> Hi,
> Note:I tried searching for an explanation of why are transactions created by
> GenericDelegator even for purely read only operations - but couldnt find any
> relevant thread. If its already answered will appreciate if someone can
> provide the link.
> I ran a profiler on my application and found significant amount of time
> getting spent
> e.g. (GenericDelegator.findCountByCondition() - is spending 90% of the time
> in transaction.begin and transaction.commit())
> There are several (if not most) other calls that are similar which is adding
> up to the slowness in the response time.
> Is there a reason why GenericDelegator is creating transaction for read only
> operations - such as findBys and counts? Also there is a flag
> alwaysUseTransaction - but that really "always" - not really very useful if
> you think about it (besides its declared final). Is there a way to turn off
> the transactions on as needed basis?
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the OFBiz - Dev mailing list archive at
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Re: findBys and Transactions

Ritesh Trivedi
Thanks Scott for the pointers. I missed those as the titles didnt look relevant.

I think GenericDelegator is being refactored currently - what about adding additional parameter to the findBys or other suitable way which allows callers to specify whether to create a transaction or not? Seems like number of ppl need this for performance reasons.

Scott Gray wrote
Hi Ritesh

There are plenty of threads around, here's a couple:


2008/9/30 Ritesh Trivedi <>:
> Hi,
> Note:I tried searching for an explanation of why are transactions created by
> GenericDelegator even for purely read only operations - but couldnt find any
> relevant thread. If its already answered will appreciate if someone can
> provide the link.
> I ran a profiler on my application and found significant amount of time
> getting spent
> e.g. (GenericDelegator.findCountByCondition() - is spending 90% of the time
> in transaction.begin and transaction.commit())
> There are several (if not most) other calls that are similar which is adding
> up to the slowness in the response time.
> Is there a reason why GenericDelegator is creating transaction for read only
> operations - such as findBys and counts? Also there is a flag
> alwaysUseTransaction - but that really "always" - not really very useful if
> you think about it (besides its declared final). Is there a way to turn off
> the transactions on as needed basis?
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the OFBiz - Dev mailing list archive at