The fetch size is only the number of results pulled over each time the JDBC driver talks to the database. Usually a value of around 100 is good.
If you want to create a list that has a limited number of results, use the delegator methods that return an EntityListIterator, and then use the eli.getPartialList method.
Ruth Hoffman wrote:
> Hello All:
> I'd like to verify that the purpose of *findOptions.setFetchSize(size)*
> will return a result set of the given size. For example, if I say:
> *findOptions.setFetchSize(20)*, I'll get back 20 GenericObjects -
> assuming that all the other conditionals are met. And then my
> EntityListIterator will only iterate over those 20 objects?
> Is this the purpose of the setFetchSize method? If not, what should I be
> using to only return a fixed number of records for a given query?
> Ruth