getDigestHash() deprecated

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getDigestHash() deprecated

HashCrypt.getDigestHash() has been deprecated in favor of cryptPassword
which uses a salt.  That is a good thing.

I am upgrading a 9.x ofbiz version to 12.04.  We have hundreds of old
unsalted passwords in the db.  Is there a service to replace these old
unsalted password hashs with the new salted ones?



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Re: getDigestHash() deprecated

Paul Foxworthy
Hi Skip,

Sorry, can't be done. A hashed password can't be decrypted, which is usually a good thing, so there is no way to retrieve the existing password, add a salt, and calculate the new hash. All I can suggest is you automatically set a starting password, and turn on the "Require Password Change", so they will enter a password the first time they sign on, which will be salted. The starting password should be different for each user, and you need to find a secure way of communicating it to them.

It really is better security once it's done, but it will be an annoyance during the transition to a newer OFBiz.


Paul Foxworthy

SkipDever wrote
HashCrypt.getDigestHash() has been deprecated in favor of cryptPassword
which uses a salt.  That is a good thing.

I am upgrading a 9.x ofbiz version to 12.04.  We have hundreds of old
unsalted passwords in the db.  Is there a service to replace these old
unsalted password hashs with the new salted ones?


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