given a list of facilityIds can I do a DB query and get a list of corresponding facility entities

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given a list of facilityIds can I do a DB query and get a list of corresponding facility entities

I have a list of facilityIds and I want the entities.   I know I could
put it in a for loop and do x number of database queries, but I was
hoping there was a faster way since I know that DB queries are the
bottleneck.  Thanks
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Re: given a list of facilityIds can I do a DB query and get a list of corresponding facility entities

David E. Jones-2

Use the IN operator.


On Apr 12, 2010, at 2:47 PM, Patrick wrote:

> I have a list of facilityIds and I want the entities.   I know I could
> put it in a for loop and do x number of database queries, but I was
> hoping there was a faster way since I know that DB queries are the
> bottleneck.  Thanks
> Patrick