https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-10373?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]
Pawan Verma closed OFBIZ-10373.
Fix Version/s: Upcoming Branch
Resolution: Implemented
Thanks guys!
> UI/UX issues found with Find Agreements screen
> -----------------------------------------------
> Key: OFBIZ-10373
> URL:
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-10373> Project: OFBiz
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: accounting
> Affects Versions: Trunk
> Environment:
https://demo-trunk.ofbiz.apache.org/ap/control/FindAgreement?fromDate_fld1_op=opLessThan&sortField=thruDate&noConditionFind=Y&agreementId_ic=Y&fromDate_fld0_op=equals&agreementId_op=contains> Reporter: Aayush jain
> Assignee: Pawan Verma
> Priority: Trivial
> Fix For: Upcoming Branch
> Attachments: OFBIZ-10373.patch, UI UX Issues.png
> Following UI/UX issues found with Find Agreements screen:
> 1. Create a new agreement and navigate to find agreements page and check for from date on the newly created agreement. It is displayed in Red color, there should be a color consistency on the screen. ( When we edit a date to back-date is works fine)
> 2. Behavior of Cancel button is not proper ( On find agreements page, Click on Cancel button to cancel any of the active agreement, it will set a through date. But Cancel button is still been displayed and the user is allowed to cancel any kind of agreement multiple time with a success message). The application should not be allowed to cancel already canceled agreement. I think no process happens on click on cancel button again and again, but a success message is displayed on the screen. Cancel button can be disabled for already canceled agreements.
> Steps:
> 1. Open URL
https://demo-trunk.ofbiz.apache.org/webtools> 2. Navigate to Agreements
> 3. Check for Issues
> Thanks!
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