https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-12136?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=17265974#comment-17265974 ]
ASF subversion and git services commented on OFBIZ-12136:
Commit cc76b990cf3aee0b216c0b4d0dd589a2f5dee947 in ofbiz-framework's branch refs/heads/trunk from Ioan Eugen Stan
https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf?p=ofbiz-framework.git;h=cc76b99 ]
Improved: Add extra classpath directories for ofbiz.tar/zip
Allows people to add configuration files and jars (database drivers) when
using the binary distribution.
Thanks: Eugen Stan for improvement
> Add extra classpath directories for ofbiz.tar/zip distribution
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: OFBIZ-12136
> URL:
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-12136> Project: OFBiz
> Issue Type: Improvement
> Affects Versions: Trunk
> Reporter: Ioan Eugen Stan
> Assignee: Daniel Watford
> Priority: Major
> See [
https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r210c63f3f0d6efd0b4fe2e2141689ae501c518671cfe1e5d4f7a9417%40%3Cdev.ofbiz.apache.org%3E |
> It would help to have the ability to add jars and configuration files to the classpath - since that is where ofbiz looks for.
> So the idea is to make it easy for people to add things at the BEGINING of the classpath so they can override ofbiz configurations (and / or libraries ?!)
> I believe this can achieved for both gradle deploy and binary (ofbiz.tar) deploy with minimal changes.
> If you could add the code snippet bellow to build.gradle then people can add files to config/ and lib-extra/ directories and they will be available for ofbiz when it starts.
> I've tested this and it works for my ofbiz docker build (I'm planning an article these next 2 days and will share it. Spoiler: it works on ARM - raspberry pi 4 ).
> I'm also adding the database drivers post build to lib-extra since gradle hardcodes the classpath at build. Adding new jars to lib/ does not do anything.
> That way I can keep the ofbiz source unchanged and still get what I need.
> {code:java}
> tasks.startScripts {
> doLast {
> // Alter the start script for Unix systems.
> unixScript.text =
> unixScript.text.replace('CLASSPATH=$APP_HOME/lib','CLASSPATH=$APP_HOME/config/:$APP_HOME/lib-extra/*:$APP_HOME/lib') // Alter the start script for Windows systems.
> // windowsScript.text =
> // windowsScript.text.replace('CLASSPATH=$APP_HOME/lib',
> // 'CLASSPATH=$APP_HOME\\conf\\:$APP_HOME/lib-extra/*:$APP_HOME/lib')
> }
> }
> {code}
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