[ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-12194?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=17299494#comment-17299494 ] ASF subversion and git services commented on OFBIZ-12194: --------------------------------------------------------- Commit 9f8ff6255c16c67440a1d7f8170835fb3b39359d in ofbiz-framework's branch refs/heads/trunk from Jacques Le Roux [ https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf?p=ofbiz-framework.git;h=9f8ff62 ] Improved: Remove deprecated ByteWrapper class (OFBIZ-12194) This due for many years NOTE DEJ20071022: the use of ByteWrapper is not recommended and is deprecated, only old data should be stored that way. I have still to verify the implication of removing deserializeField() in SqlJdbcUtil.getValue() > Remove deprecated ByteWrapper class > -------------------------------------- > > Key: OFBIZ-12194 > URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-12194 > Project: OFBiz > Issue Type: Improvement > Components: framework/entity > Affects Versions: Trunk > Reporter: Jacques Le Roux > Assignee: Jacques Le Roux > Priority: Minor > Fix For: Upcoming Branch > > > [I send a message about it to dev ML in mid 2017|https://markmail.org/message/4we6tognqbck42df]: > {quote} > Here is a comment from David in 2007 in the ByteWrapper class > * @deprecated > * NOTE DEJ20071022: deprecating this because we want to save the byte[] directly instead of inside a serialized > * object, which makes it hard for other apps to use the data, and causes problems if this object is ever updated > Here is another comment where it's used, in GenericEntity.getBytes() > if (value instanceof byte[]) { > return (byte[]) value; > } > if (value instanceof org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.ByteWrapper) { > // NOTE DEJ20071022: the use of ByteWrapper is not recommended and is deprecated, only old data should be stored that way > Debug.logWarning("Found a ByteWrapper object in the database for field [" + this.getEntityName() + "." + name + "]; converting to byte[] and returning, but note that you need to update your database to unwrap these objects for future compatibility", module); > org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.ByteWrapper wrapper = (org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.ByteWrapper) value; > return wrapper.getBytes(); > } > Here is another related comment (in SqlJdbcUtil.deserializeField()) > // NOTE DEJ20071022: the following code is to convert the byte[] back into an object; if that fails > //just return the byte[]; this was for the ByteWrapper thing which is now deprecated, so this may > //be removed in the near future to enhance performance > Where there is also this code commented out > //alt 1: binaryInput = rs.getBinaryStream(ind); > //alt 2: Blob blobLocator = rs.getBlob(ind); > //if (blobLocator != null) { > // binaryInput = blobLocator.getBinaryStream(); > //} > deserializeField() is only used (twice) in SqlJdbcUtil.getValue() and here are the concerned types (11 & 12): > fieldTypeMap.put("java.lang.Object", 11); > fieldTypeMap.put("Object", 11); > fieldTypeMap.put("java.sql.Blob", 12); > fieldTypeMap.put("Blob", 12); > fieldTypeMap.put("byte[]", 12); > fieldTypeMap.put("java.nio.ByteBuffer", 12); > fieldTypeMap.put("java.nio.HeapByteBuffer", 12); > And I think we can clean this 2 cases from the ByteWrapper class . So it was 10 years ago, opinions before I open a Jira ? > {quote} -- This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.3.4#803005) |
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