[jira] [Commented] (OFBIZ-7145) Renew OFBiz Tutorial

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[jira] [Commented] (OFBIZ-7145) Renew OFBiz Tutorial

Nicolas Malin (Jira)

    [ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-7145?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=15794889#comment-15794889 ]

Pranay Pandey commented on OFBIZ-7145:

Hi Devs,

Here it is- https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/cQFk
The tutorial has been overhauled considering R15.12 branch, going to make updates for trunk as well. I would love to hear back from you for any feedback and improvements you see. Thanks so much [~swapnilmmane] for all your hard work and support in completing this new version of OFBiz tutorial for beginners.

This time based on my experience that I have while giving training to developers on Apache OFBiz, I have tried to cover almost all those details that a beginner developer expects. This tutorial is absolutely for the beginners, for any of the advanced topics we'll create child pages to it. E.g.
1. Ajax Requests
2. OFBiz as API Server
3. OFBiz Developer Tools (webtools)
4. Extending an Existing OFBiz Application
and so on....

As a next step, now I am going to first create videos for each of the headings in this tutorial, as uploaded on OFBiz YouTube channel, will link these with it. Definitely, the plan for videos is going to be the same for any of the advanced tutorials as well.

I would also like to move all such existing tutorial documents at one place under one parent document named as "Advanced OFBiz Tutorials".

Please let me know your feedback for any required improvements you see or anything that you have in your wishlist as a developer that you would like to add to the tutorial. Let's work together and make it very easy for any new developer to start working with Apache OFBiz.

Pranay Pandey

> Renew OFBiz Tutorial
> ---------------------
>                 Key: OFBIZ-7145
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-7145
>             Project: OFBiz
>          Issue Type: Task
>          Components: Confluence
>            Reporter: Pranay Pandey
>            Assignee: Pranay Pandey
> The plan is to go through existing OFBiz tutorial and renew it. I am thinking of starting up from scratch instead of making any edits to the existing one. The new version will be available to everyone for review anytime.
> High level plan-
> # Making it short, easy to understand and to follow.
> # Divide into multiple child documents based on complexity level. Basically a trail of tutorials for developers, where one can feel confident to start using the framework for building custom solutions.
> # Gather all existing developer tutorials at one place.
> # Followed by a series of video tutorials to make it a handy reference for those developers who like learning things from videos.
> # Will be following the latest OFBiz release i.e. 15.12
> Any ideas are welcome, please put your ideas for improvement as a comment on this ticket. You can also put anything on your wishlist that you wanted to see in OFBiz tutorial.

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