https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-7534?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=15346947#comment-15346947 ]
Jacques Le Roux commented on OFBIZ-7534:
Tasks with a lot of parameters like below will need to be covered by scripts (.sh & . bat), not a big deal
./ant create-component -> ./gradlew createComponent -PcomponentName=custom -PcomponentResourceName=custom -PwebappName=customweb -PbasePermission=OFBTOOLS,CUSTOM_SECURITY
./ant create-tenant -> ./gradlew -PtenantId=DEMO1 -PtenantName=Demo1 -PdomainName=localhost -PdbPlatform=D -PdbIP= -PdbUser=someUser -PdbPassword=somePassword
Why do we need the 'ofbiz' parameter in data loading tasks?
I maybe missed something but how will the "batch" Ant targets be replaced?
./ant start-batch Not implemented
./ant start-batch-secure Not implemented
I particularly like
./gradlew cleanAll loadDemo testInteg
I have just learnt that "ant -p" is "gradle tasks" in Gradle, nice.
I did no see anything missing
> Migrate OFBiz from Apache Ant to Gradle build system
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Key: OFBIZ-7534
> URL:
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-7534> Project: OFBiz
> Issue Type: Improvement
> Components: ALL COMPONENTS
> Affects Versions: Trunk
> Reporter: Taher Alkhateeb
> Assignee: Taher Alkhateeb
> Labels: ant, build-tools, gradle
> Attachments: ANT_GRADLE_COMPARISON.txt
> This is a major refactoring task referring to the [email thread|
http://ofbiz.markmail.org/message/vstt3wxuubmjgmqj?q=Important+Changes+to+Trunk+and+Use+of+Ant+%26+Gradle] in which the community voted for the switch after a proposal from the PMC
> The purpose of this JIRA is to achieve the following objectives
> - Fully implement a working compiling system in Gradle that passes all tests
> - Remove all ant and maven build scripts from the system
> - update the documentation of the system to reflect these changes
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