Daniel Watford created OFBIZ-12246:
Summary: Cannot update content of Product Config Item Content originally created without a From Date
Key: OFBIZ-12246
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-12246 Project: OFBiz
Issue Type: Bug
Components: product/catalog
Affects Versions: Trunk, Release Branch 18.12
Reporter: Daniel Watford
Using demo data, click Prepare Create at
https://localhost:8443/catalog/control/EditProductConfigItemContent?configItemId=SC00000Create new content but leave the From Date and To Date fields blank.
On screen
https://localhost:8443/catalog/control/EditProductConfigItemContent?configItemId=SC00000 note that the From Date has been populated with a timestamp for the new content will millisecond resolution.
Assuming OFBIZ-12245 fix has been implemented, click on title of new content to edit it. Attempts to update the content will fail since the From Date will be truncated to the nearest second, meaning attempts to find the content in the database will fail in service, updateSimpleTextContentForProductConfigItem
To resolve, ensure system generated From Dates are truncated to second resolution rather than millisecond resolution.
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